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What is the highest record in the’Top 10′ in science in 2020? – Sciencetimes

This year was a year of record-breaking discoveries in the scientific community.

According to’Live Science’ on the 29th, star dust that has passed 7 billion years has been found on Earth, and a 31,000-year-old tomb that buried the remains of identical twins was discovered, earning the title of’oldest’.

In addition, the bird that departed from Alaska, USA and continued to fly to New Zealand for 11 days and the lightning that sprinkled more than 700km of light earned the title of’longest’. The following are 10 record-breaking events in 2020 that broke the previous record.

It’s also the big tail that set the world’s longest consecutive flight record. From Alaska to New Zealand, it set a record of 11 days nonstop flying 12,200km. ⒸWikipedia

Achieved the longest consecutive flight record for the Great Swordsman

Bar-tailed godwits, a migratory bird with long beaked green feathers, broke the record for nonstop flight on September 16th.

Named ‘4BBRW’, the male hind-tailed toyo flew 12,200 km from Alaska to New Zealand without a break for 11 days, setting the longest flight record. The previous record was 11,680 km over nine days, established by the female E7 (E7) in 2007.

Large-tailed sandpipers, with an average body length of 39 cm, are classified by the World Federation for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) under the Red List, which is a list of endangered species, in the category of Near Threatened (NT). It was discovered in the tidal flat of Seocheon, South Korea on May 9 and 11, but left Korea on the 21st of the same month.

Discover the world’s longest seaweed fly in Australian waters

Australian oceanographer Dr. Nerida Wilson and his team discovered an incredibly long string-like object through computer images while exploring a deep-sea canyon.

Realizing that the object is a living thing, he sent an unmanned diving robot to take a picture. And it was determined that the creature in the video was a kind of siphonophore. And on June 6th, he posted a video on Twitter at the Schmidt Marine Research Institute to which Dr. Wilson belongs.

If you look at the video, you can see a long creature that looks like a huge wave spread out in a large circle over the sea. It looks like a contour line drawn in the sea, and as a result of measuring its length, the outer circle diameter was 47m and the diagonal length reached 38m.

The creature was found in Ningaloo Gorge on the west coast of Australia. The creature discovered this time lived 670m deep from sea level, and Dr. Wilson’s team describes it as the longest marine creature ever discovered.

A photograph of the sun with a self-made camera for 8 years from 2012 to 2020. At the Bayp Dobury Observatory in England, numerous solar movements are recorded from sunrise to sunset. © Regina Valkenborgh/University of Hertfordshire

8A record of continuous shooting of the sun’s movements over the years

It is not easy to photograph the hot sun for a long time.

However, in 2012, a student at the University of Hertfordshire in England made a pinhole camera with a beer can, photo paper, and a pinhole camera instead of a lens to photograph the sun.

The place where photographer Regina Valkenborgh was attempting to shoot was at the Vaifdobury Observatory. I was filming there for a long time, but it took too long and I forgot that I was filming.

And I could remember that the sun was still being filmed this year. The sun has been filming for eight years since 2012. Looking at the photographs taken, a number of light trails repeat until the sun rises.

Shell diameter 2.4m Giant turtle fossil discovery

On February 12, an interesting paper was published in the scientific journal Science Advance.

It is a fossil of a turtle that lived about 8 million years ago, and its shell has a diameter of 2.4 m. It weighed 1145kg, about 100 times more than its relative Amazon River turtle.

This tortoise is an extinct species, Stupendemys geographicus, which flourished from 12 million to 5 million years ago, mainly in northern South America. However, this is the first time such a large fossil has been discovered.

3just 1000Remains of identical twin years old ° dog

On November 6th, an interesting paper was published in the journal’Communication Biology’.

A 31,000-year-old tomb was found in Krems am Bachtberg, Austria, where the remains of identical twins, three months old, were buried.

The remains were discovered in 2005. However, it has been unidentified for 15 years in a situation where analysis is not possible, and recent genetic analysis has been able to identify the owner of the remains. These twin remains are the oldest remains ever discovered.

In the pumpkin 1Billion-year-old mussel crab sperm found

In the meantime, sperm has existed for more than 100 million years.

This was demonstrated by the huge sperm of mussel crabs preserved in pumpkins. The crustacean sperm that lived in the Cretaceous Period was found in a disk-shaped amber found in a mine in northern Myanmar. The research paper was published on September 16th,’British Royal Society Journal B’.

The mussel crab, a crustacean with the scientific name Myanmarcypris hui, is classified as a reptile. Similar to daphnia, but with a calcareous shell. It is also called’seed shrimp’ because it is only 0.5mm long.

The sperm found in the pumpkin was four eggs and a sperm mass, which turned out to be 100 million years old. Previously, the sperm found in the pumpkin was 50 million years old, and came from a cocoon that lived in Antarctica.

A material believed to have originated from other stars about 7 billion before the solar system was created was discovered. It is the oldest material ever found on Earth. ⒸNASA

Discover the oldest material on Earth

On January 13th, an interesting article was published in the National Academy of Sciences Bulletin (PNAS).

It is said that a material believed to have been made in another star about 7 billion before the solar system was created was discovered. It is the oldest material ever found on Earth.

Scientists said that star dust entered Earth through a meteorite that fell on Australia in 1969. The oldest material previously discovered in meteorites was about 5.5 billion years old, which is said to be 1.5 billion years older. The largest particle size is 8㎛.

Per second 33km Discovering sounds moving at speed

Sound changes in speed depending on what material it passes through.

For example, it is transmitted faster in warm liquids than in cold liquids, in liquids and gases than in solids. In the meantime, scientists have explained that sound travels faster in low-mass atoms.

So, to find out how fast sound could travel, we measured the speed of sound transmission at 33 km/s through solid hydrogen atoms. And in it, they discovered that they could approach the theoretical limit of 36 km/sec. The results of the study were published on October 9th of’Science Advanced’.

The longest flash of lightning during the Brazilian Halloween festival

In the 2018 Halloween questionnaire, a megaflash flashed in Brazil.

According to data analyzed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in June, the lightning spread from the Atlantic coast to Argentina for more than 700 km, making it the longest lightning strike ever discovered.

Using technology on a new satellite, scientists were able to confirm that the lightning was more than twice as long as the lightning strike that hit the Oklahoma sky in 2007. Meanwhile, in terms of time, the lightning that occurred in northern Argentina in March 2019 lasted for 17 seconds.

Discover the oldest intestines within a living fossil

On January 10th, a paper on the fossilized gut appeared in the journal Nature.

In the U.S. state of Nevada, a small tube-shaped fossil was discovered, called cloudinomorphs, in which fossilized intestines dated 530-53 million years ago.

It is said to be the oldest digestive tract fossil ever discovered. The previous record was about 30 million years ago, belonging to Claudinomorphs. These creatures are living creatures such as corals or tubeworms, which are important clues that can solve the mystery of the birth of life on Earth.


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