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What is the federal government doing for vocational training?

Canceled training fairs, postponed job interviews, an uncertain economic situation: the pandemic is causing great uncertainty among trainees and companies. With a bundle of measures and initiatives, the Federal Government is strengthening vocational training – regardless of the Corona crisis.

Training in corona times: The everyday life of many trainees has changed significantly as a result of the pandemic. Photo: SZ Photo/Stephan Rumpf

The dual vocational training in Germany is highly regarded internationally. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) sees vocational training as one of the strengths of the German education system. The prospects for young people with a professional qualification are better in this country than in almost any other country OECD-Country. The federal government is pursuing a variety of approaches to ensure that this remains the case despite the corona pandemic.

The federal government is promoting trainees and training companies with numerous measures. Here are some examples:

1. Federal program “Secure apprenticeships”: The program particularly supports small and medium-sized companies that are affected by the consequences of the corona pandemic. Aid of up to 500 million euros is planned for 2020 and 2021. The core of the program is bonuses for companies of up to 3,000 euros each if they keep the number of their training positions stable or even increase them. The bonuses are also paid if the companies take on trainees from companies that are insolvent due to the pandemic.

2. Minimum training allowance: The amendment to the Vocational Training Act at the beginning of 2020 is strengthening and modernizing vocational training in Germany. The most important point is the introduction of a minimum training allowance. This ensures adequate earnings for young trainees.

3. New advanced training levels: With the modernized Vocational Training Act New advanced training levels such as Bachelor Professional and Master Professional were also introduced. They create clarity and more opportunities – also on the global job market. The uniform advanced training levels represent the equivalence of vocational and academic education – an important goal of the federal government.

4. New nursing training: Since January 2020 the new regulation of the Nursing education for better conditions for prospective caregivers. The previously separately regulated training courses in care for the elderly, healthcare and nursing as well as healthcare and children’s nursing have been merged into a generalist training in nursing. For the trainees, this means more employment and development opportunities. The abolition of school fees and the provision of adequate remuneration are also making the nursing profession more attractive.

5. PromotionBAföG: The new, improved one has been in effect since August 1, 2020 AscentBAföG. Anyone who wants to train to become a master craftsman or industrial master, technician, business economist or state-certified educator has now been given even better support since August. For a family with two children, for example, this can be up to around 1,600 euros a month. And if further training has to be interrupted due to the Corona crisis, the funding will continue to be paid. This is important so that everyone – including older employees – has the opportunity to develop professionally.

6. BAföG-Reference: Trainees also have one under certain conditions BAföGClaim. Attendance at vocational schools, technical college, technical college and vocational college classes and vocational training schools is funded. Anyone who is completing school training can then apply for the BAföG– Provide funding if he is younger than 30 years of age at the start of the training. The amount of monthly BAföG– Payments mainly depend on the parents’ eligible income. If this income is below certain exemption limits, the BAföG– Maximum rate paid, otherwise the income will be offset against it.

As a result of the corona pandemic, the BAföG– Enforcement facilitated so that BAföG– Eligible persons and, above all, those who have short-term due to changes in their own or parental income BAföG had to or must apply for financial assistance as quickly as possible

7. Digitization: The Federal Government wants to make education more digital in all areas – including vocational training. Because those who are digitally competent can participate in social, economic and societal life. The importance of networked education should also be considered.

The vocational schools also benefit from “Digital Pact School”. The federal government is supporting the federal states with a total of 6.5 billion euros for the necessary further boost in the digitization of schools in Germany. In this way, for example, suitable end devices can be procured for teachers. In addition, pupils in need receive digital devices through their schools. The federal government also participates in the training and financing of IT administrators.

Wednesday November 11, 2020


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