Home » today » World » What is the extreme drought that is hitting California due to? Expert responds | Video | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

What is the extreme drought that is hitting California due to? Expert responds | Video | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

crime, gangs andviolence that is lived incompton and nearby cities.california is passingagain for a severedry.yara lasanta, our head ofmeteorology, spoke with aexpert on the subject and has usto the details.that they look at ease by allah!yara: that’s it, andrea and friendsat home.human life, so thatour life is sustainable inthis planet begins to dry upin our state.for our people they began tosee the impact of that droughtsevere.the environmentalist did not say this.the main packaging ofNorthern California today hashalf the water thatthey usually have up to date.this as a consequence of thepotentially drydevastating.we know there has been a shortageof rain this year andlast year, but what is ithappening, in addition to the lack ofrain?>> the climate crisis, thetemperature continues to riseand earlier.at night it no longer refreshes.yara: the governor ofCalifornia has asked thecitizens voluntarilysave 15% of your consumption ofWater.>> the most important thing right nowis that 15% is mandatory.as you say now, we areseeing the effects of the drought.It is a climate change thatwe are seeing.yara: what can theviewer friends who see usdaily to contribute thatgrain of sand and take care of theso precious water?>> when you wash your fruits andvegetables, that water can beuse to water the plantsinside or outside the house.whenever one puts thewashing machine, put it with awashing machine full, nothing wingsbe putting little by littlelittle clothes.yara: look at what a beautiful imagefrom the lake in santa clarita.the impact ofthis severe drought, but it isimportant to raise awareness.that the environmentalist gave us,it is important that you check thehouse irrigation system andfaucets. there are small

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