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What is the Effect of Climate Change on Occupational Health?

Five observations on the impact of climate change on occupational health

First observation of the investigation: a significant gap exists between the level of personal concern and the perceived collective commitment to environmental issues. Several answers were possible and it appears that:

  • 80% of the population questioned felt personally concerned.
  • 35% find that these subjects are on the agenda in their company or administration.
  • 5% do not feel concerned

Second observation: the commitment of the social partners helps to better grasp environmental competence in companies, even if the latter are still insufficiently equipped to do so.

Third observation: the people interviewed are aware that there is a strong relationship between climate and health. On the impacts of the climate on work, all of the people interviewed cite firstly the effects on health, secondly the effects on working conditions and thirdly, on travel. But there are differences according to socio-professional categories.

Fourth observation: 70% of respondents believe that climate change, and more generally environmental degradation, can affect the health of employees and public officials.

Fifth observation: relative anxiety emerges in the face of environmental changes in the context of work. 64.6% of respondents do not feel anxious about environmental changes in the context of their work, compared to 35.4% who say they are worried.

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