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What is the Draconid Meteor Shower? This is the definition, time and place


The National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) noted that there are two meteor shower phenomena expected to occur in October 2024. One of them is the Draconid meteor shower which is expected to occur on October 7 .

According to the BRIN page, meteor showers occur when meteoroid objects burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. These materials could come from the remains of comets or asteroids that also orbit the sun.

There are several types of meteor showers. One of them is the Draconid meteor shower.



So, what does the Draconid meteor shower look like? When does it happen and how can I see it?

Check out the full details below!

What is the Draconid Meteor Shower?

Quoted from the Earthsky page, the Draconid meteor shower is a celestial phenomenon that occurs when Earth passes through the remnants of dust left by the short-period comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. This phenomenon is known to be unique because the highest radiant point in the sky is when the sun begins to set.

This makes the Draconids different from most other meteor showers, as the meteors tend to be visible in the evening to evening, rather than after midnight. This meteor shower also does not last long and produces only a few meteors per hour in most years.

When does the Draconid Meteor Shower happen?

The Draconic meteor shower or the Draconid meteor shower will occur on Monday, October 7, 2024. This meteor shower is known to travel at a speed of 10 meteors per hour.

Referring to the Earthsky page, the duration of the Draconic meteor shower will last from October 6th to October 10th. However, the peak is expected to occur on October 8, 2024 at 3 UTC or 11.00 WITA.

For detikers who want to see this celestial phenomenon, it is recommended to watch it on the evening of October 7th until the early morning of October 8th. This period is expected to be the best time to see Draconid in 2024.

Where can you see the Draconid Meteor Shower?

The Draconid meteor shower is best viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. This is because the radiant point of the meteor shower is near the stars Eltanin and Rastaban, at the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon in the northern sky.

However, for detikers who are in Indonesia, you don’t have to direct your gaze in a certain direction to see this meteor shower. This is because meteors are generally visible throughout the sky.

The key is to widen your field of vision and look patiently at the stars that shine at night. By relaxing and focusing on the sky above, people have a better chance of seeing passing meteors.

How to see the Dracoid Meteor Shower

The Dracoid meteor shower can be seen by looking for a dark, wide area, such as a mountain or beach, that is not blocked by tall buildings. If spotters can stand below the point of origin of the meteor, there is a greater chance of seeing more meteors passing by.

“You can use a tent while camping or prepare a seat/sofa as there can be a long wait. And when you go out there can be a lot, but the stop is also long. be fun too,” said Farahhati, who was named detikSulsel on Sunday (6/10/2024).

Prayers and Procedures When Meteor Showers are Sighted

According to the Islamic perspective, meteors are considered a natural phenomenon that proves the greatness of God. In the Qur’an, meteors or shooting stars are often interpreted as a sign of God’s power.

For spies who are Muslims, they can recite prayers when they see a meteor falling, as the ulama taught. The following prayer when you see a falling star or meteor is mentioned in the Main Book of Prayer and Dhikr written by Imam Nawawi:

God willing, there is no power but in God

Arabic Latin: Masha Allah. Very bad.

Meaning: “Something is willed by God. There is no power but the power of God.”

It was narrated in the book of Ibn Sinni through Ibnu Mas’ud RA., who said that Muslims were ordered not to look at falling stars (meteors) and that they should read the above prayer.

In a hadith narrated by Imam Shafi’i in the book Al-Umm, from Urwah ibnuz Zubair RA., saying “When someone among you sees lightning or a meteor, he should not show him a sign, but he can count take it and describe it. it.”

That is the explanation for the Draconid meteor shower that is expected to occur this October. I hope this is useful, detikers!


2024-10-06 14:30:46
#Draconid #Meteor #Shower #definition #time #place

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