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What is the difference between the account balance and the available balance of the money in the bank account

Many taxpayers, when they find themselves checking the amount of their savings in their bank or postal current accounts, are faced with different figures. We are talking about the book balance and the available balance which show different data. How does it work in these cases? Which of the two items exactly corresponds to the money that a saver has accumulated? Below, the Bag Projection Technicians explain to you the difference between the account balance and the available balance of the money in the bank account.

What meaning to attribute to these two values

Mr. Umberto went to an ATM to make a withdrawal from his account. On that occasion, take advantage of that moment to check the overall balance he has on his account after he has received his last paycheck. On the terminal screen, however, two indications appear that show two different values: the book balance and the available balance. Why do they sometimes not coincide? Which of the two values ​​actually coincides with how much the saver has on his account? Let’s try to do some clarity so that we understand why these two values ​​exist and how to read them correctly.

What is the difference between the account balance and the available balance of the money in the bank account

The book balance and the available balance are closely related values ​​that affect the customer’s operations on their account current. This is why it is important to know their meanings and differences.

When we talk about the account balance, we mean the difference between the transactions that are recorded and credit and those in debit. That is, between the entries and exits. In most cases, the account balance is not updated in real time but only at a particular time of day. In the account balance, the customer also finds all those most recent credits or debits that the bank has not yet accounted for. For example, if you have paid a check for € 1,000 into your account, you will find this item in your account balance. However, it is possible that it is not immediately available on the account, but only visible. This is because the bank needs some technical time to account for the transaction.

In the available balance, however, the saver can find the sum that is in effect available on his account. It includes income and expenses by indicating how much money is actually in the checking account. This data is extremely important in order not to risk carrying out operations that leave an overdraft on the current account. Therefore, to know how much you can actually spend, you must keep in mind the value of the balance available on your current account. Here, then, is the difference between the account balance and the available balance of the money in the bank account.


After how many attempts the ATM is blocked due to the wrong PIN code.

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