INDOTRENDS.ID – What difference asteroid, cometmeteors and meteoroids? At first glance the same, but don’t fail to understand! This is a full explanation difference asteroid, cometmeteors and meteoroids.
1. Asteroid
Asteroids are What Paradise a small circle surrounding the sun, containing small amounts of metals such as nickel and iron, formed by rocks from outer space.
Asteroids congregate in paths called belts asteroid (Main Asteroid Belt) which is the path traveled by Mars and Jupiter, therefore asteroid most common among the planets Mars and Jupiter.
2. Comet
Comets are What space that revolves around the sun and shines like a star composed of gaseous material and water that has hardened into ice and measures 10 kilometers in diameter.
Trajectory of movement comet to surround Sun oval in shape, sometimes very close to the Sunresulting in part of the ice present on the comet evaporates from the heat.
It is this vapor that forms the tail on the cometreaching hundreds of kilometers in length and visible from the earth.
3. Meteor