Ammon – The color circle also known as the color wheel is a circular ring that describes the various relationships between colors. The department is divided into three main categories:
Primary colours: These are the colors that cannot be obtained by mixing any two other colours. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue.
Secondary colours: These are the colors created by mixing two primary colours. The secondary colors are green (from yellow and blue), violet (from blue and red), and orange (from red and yellow).
Complementary (tertiary) colors: They are the group of colors that result from mixing a primary color with a secondary color. For example: red mixed with orange produces reddish-orange, orange mixed with yellow produces yellowish-orange, and so on.
The color circle helps clarify the relationships between colors and help coordinate and match them in a harmonious and attractive manner in design, painting, and more. Colors are also categorized by tone into warm colors, cool colors, and neutral colors. Colors carry different meanings and connotations that affect the emotional response of individuals and their ability to communicate and express themselves. For example, red is associated with love and passion, yellow with joy and optimism, blue with calmness and comfort, and orange with enthusiasm and energy.
Other neutral colors such as black, white, beige, gray and brown are considered desaturated and are often used to enhance and complement primary and secondary colors.