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What is the church holiday today, April 8, 2024

What church holiday is celebrated on April 8 according to the new and old style, what can’t be done, who has a name day.

What a church holiday today, April 8 / pixabay.com

On April 8, according to the new church calendar, Orthodox believers remember St. Herodion and other apostles from the 70s, chosen by Jesus. We talk about the traditions of the day, its signs and prohibitions, and who is honored in the church on April 8 according to the old style.

April 8, 2024 – what a church holiday today according to the new and old calendar

April 8 according to the new style (April 21 according to the old) is the day of remembrance of the holy apostles Herodion, Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegontus, Jermas and others, chosen by the Savior and sent to preach.

Saint Herodion lived in the 1st century, was a relative of the Apostle Paul and one of the 70 apostles whom Jesus Christ chose to preach. Herodion often accompanied the apostle Paul on his travels. When Christianity came to the Balkan Peninsula, the apostles Peter and Paul made Herodion the bishop of the city of Patara (today – the territory of Turkey).

Herodion converted many pagan Jews and Greeks to Christianity. But somehow, other Jews and pagans, dissatisfied with this, attacked the bishop, beat him and stabbed him with a knife. Miraculously, the apostle remained unharmed and continued his journey and preaching with Peter. When the apostle Peter was crucified, Herodion was executed at the same time.

Saint Agabus also suffered for his faith. He had the gift of prophecy, and he prophesied the famine during the time of Emperor Claudius and the suffering of the apostle Paul in Jerusalem. Agav preached in different countries and converted many to Christianity. Rufus was a bishop in the Greek city of Thebes, Asyncritus – in Hyrcania (the territory of Asia Minor), Phlegontus – in Marathon (Thrace), Jermus – in Dalmatia. All the apostles endured great suffering for serving Christ and died a martyr’s death.

April 8 holiday according to the old style – Archangel Gabriel Cathedral.

What do the omens say about April 8

April 8 – today’s signs / pixabay.com

In the national calendar, April 8 is the holiday of Rodion Ledolom. It was called so because in the old days the ice usually melted and cracked on this day.

According to the signs, the weather in summer and the harvest are judged:

  • a clear and bright day today – the summer will be hot and fruitful;
  • gloomy and foggy – to the rainy season;
  • rain this day – wait for a good harvest of grain;
  • a warm evening and a quiet night – to a hot, dry summer.

According to omens, if you wash yourself with cold water today, you will stay young and beautiful longer.

What can be done on April 8

Saint Herodion and other apostles are prayed for help to make the right decision, to find comfort and peace, to strengthen faith and not lose heart.

The day is considered favorable for reconciliation. Also, today you need to help those in need and give alms.

According to folk customs, spring plowing began from this day.

What not to do on April 8

Among the prohibitions that cannot be done today are cursing, quarreling, gossiping, envying, insulting people or animals, refusing help.

Great Lent 2024 continues – those who are fasting are prohibited from eating hot food with oil, dry food is allowed.

Folk omens do not advise you to do cleaning, go fishing or hunting and make far-reaching plans on this day – everything will not work out.

April 8 – the name day today

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Marfa, Niphont, Rodion, Susanna.

Previously, we published the Orthodox calendar for April 2024 with holidays according to the new and old style.

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