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what is the bipolar disorder from which the singer suffers?


  • Bipolar disorder usually starts in early adulthood, but it can sometimes start at age 60 or 70.
  • In women, it often begins with a depressive phase and a manic phase in men.
  • According to the WHO, bipolarity is one of the ten most disabling pathologies.

Britney Spears is released. Friday, November 12, the American justice lifted the tutelage that had been imposed on her in 2008. Until now, the singer could not make certain decisions concerning her personal life: for example, she could not get married again or have the control over its finances. The placement under guardianship was decided following psychological difficulties. The American star suffers from bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar disorder?

This disease is characterized by intense mood swings: Federation for brain research speaks of a “exaggerated alternation of depressive and manic periods “. Depressive periods are defined as such when they last four days in a row. They are marked by great sadness, suicidal thoughts, loss of desire, fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc. Conversely, during manic phases, the behavior is characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria, volubility, difficulty concentrating, even megalomania. Between these phases, the behavior of the affected person returns to the state “normal“.

How is bipolarity treated?

The management of people with bipolarity involves prescribing mood regulators to reduce symptoms. Since the 1980s, lithium has been the most widely used product. It takes at least two years of stable mood to consider stopping treatment, but for some people it will need to be taken for life. In cases where the person puts themselves or others in danger, hospitalization may be necessary. At the same time, it is recommended to start a psychological follow-up.

A number of cases difficult to assess

According to High Authority of Health, between 1 and 2.5% of the French population suffers from bipolarity, but this figure could be higher. Bipolar disorder is often difficult to diagnose, as the intensity of the phases is not always equal. “Depressive episodes are predominant and more numerous, while episodes of mania – and especially hypomania – can go unnoticed by the doctor as well as the patient who experiences them.“, explains the HAS. Bipolarity can also be confused with other pathologies, such as schizophrenia. Detection of the disease is nonetheless essential: one in two bipolar people will attempt to commit suicide during their lifetime, and 15% of bipolar people will die of it.

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