▲ Banks are snapping up short-term deposits. At present, the price of Hong Kong dollar time deposits, regardless of old or new funds, exceeds 5%.
As 2023 enters the last month, Hong Kong banks’ scramble for deposits continues to escalate. Hong Kong dollar fixed depositsNew funds 5.3 rinnew highs,Existing funds 5.28%Breaking through the top, starting from zero yuan deposit is 5%. However, long-term interest rates have still not returned to 5%, and interest rates have been cut recently, reflecting the market’s focus on short-term funding. Although the US dollar deposit interest rate has been reduced, there are still many deposit periods at the 5% level. The picture shows the highest interest rate options for different deposit periods:

Recently, there have been many regular promotions of high interest rates, but readers who inquire about them are often disappointed because these offers either require new customers or new funds. For example, Dah Sing Bank’s 5.3% requires new funds from designated financial customers, and Chong Hing’s 5.3% requires a large amount of new funds of 3 million yuan.
The following is an introduction to you with the highest interest ratesFixed deposit of existing fundsthe current annual interest rate for existing customers and existing funds is not inferior to that of new funds, with a maximum of 5.28% in Hong Kong dollars:
Hong Kong dollar existing funding discount
Existing funds 5.28%
Banks are scrambling for short-deposit funds. The existing funds in one month are 5.28%. This is a flash promotion of CNCBI. It is temporarily available until December 12. The minimum deposit amount is 500,000 yuan, and you can quickly earn about 2,200 yuan in one month.
The remaining 5% options are all with a 3-month deposit period. CNCBI also offers a 5.15% discount for deposits starting from 10,000 yuan, which is a 3-month existing fund discount, but it must be a CITICdiamond customer (asset value 4 million yuan). However, if it is a general customer, the existing funds are also available at a maximum of 5.05%.
Chong Hing Bank’s “cloud interest rate” preferential threshold is not high, with a minimum deposit of NT$500,000 and a three-month deposit period of up to 5.1%. If the minimum deposit is 5,000 yuan, there is also 4.95%, and it needs to be opened online or through mobile banking. .
For low thresholds, you can also pay attention to virtual banks. Ping An OneConnect maintains 4.8% for 4 months. The minimum deposit is only 100 yuan, and both old and new funds are accepted. Tianxing Bank has a 3-month deposit term of 4.7%, and the minimum deposit is only NT$1,000. Huili Bank’s 12-month offer is 4.7%. It also has a low minimum deposit and can be opened with existing funds.
New funds 5.3 rin
As for new funds, there are more and more high interest rates of 5% in recent days. There are two options at the high 5.3%, namely Chong Hing Bank’s 5.3% and Dah Sing Bank’s 5.3%, both with a three-month deposit period. CNCBI and Citibank both had a maximum of 5.2%. In terms of long-term interest rates, 12-month new funds have recently cut interest rates. Details of the new funding are as follows:
Hong Kong Dollar New Fund Offer
If you want to doNew Funding Offerand due to limited funds, consider“How to Make Your Own New Funds”see details:Earn the magic weapon of high-interest fixed deposit to make your own new funds. You must know it.
Editor in charge: Liao Yiran
The last update date of this article: December 7, 2023
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2023-12-08 10:52:20
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