Climate information is becoming increasingly relevant to society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)
Coat and umbrella or light clothing and a cap? If you don’t know what to wear when going out on August 30, here is the weather forecast for the next few hours in Madrid.
The weather in Madrid on Friday is expected to reach 30 degrees, while the minimum temperature will be 19 degrees. The UV index forecast is 7.
As for rain, the probability of precipitation in the city will be 40%, with 35% cloudiness, during the day; and 40%, with 35% cloudiness, throughout the night.
Meanwhile, wind gusts will reach 20 kilometers per hour during the day and 22 kilometers per hour at night.
Weather forecast for Madrid (Illustrative image Infobae)
Located in the heart of the European country, the weather in Madrid is considered continental Mediterranean, although it is also known as a temperate climate with dry and warm summers.
This type of climate is characterized by mild winters and, as its name suggests, dry, warm summers.
According to the Madrid government, minimum temperatures in winter are around 0 degrees Celsius, while maximum temperatures in summer reach 40 degrees Celsius.
For its part, the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) assures that the maximum temperature in the capital does not exceed 35 degrees Celsius, mainly in the south; while the average minimum temperature falls below 0 degrees Celsius, especially in the north of Madrid.
Maximum temperatures occur between July and August, while minimum temperatures occur between January and February.
The average temperature in the city is around 15 degrees Celsius. It is worth mentioning that frosts in Madrid are frequent and snowfalls are more occasional. According to Aemet, in the southernmost part of the city there can be up to five days of snowfall per year, but in the north there are easily more than 20 days of snowfall per year.
As for rainfall, in the Spanish capital the rainy season occurs mainly during winter or in the intermediate seasons.
At the end of the year, between October and December, as well as April and May, are the months when it rains the most in Madrid.
Temperatures in Madrid range from zero degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius (Madrid City Council)
Spain is known for its sunny climate, with around 3,000 hours of sunshine per year. Temperatures in this Mediterranean country are mild, but there are marked differences between seasons and different areas.
Although the Amet records up to 13 types of climate in Spain, there are actually four that predominate: oceanic, Mediterranean with cool summers, continental Mediterranean and cold steppe.
The oceanic climate is characterized by being temperate with cool summers and abundant rainfall, well distributed throughout the year.
In Spain it appears mainly in the north and west of Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, the Iberian System, the northeast of the northern plateau and a large part of the Pyrenees, except for the highest areas.
The cool-summer Mediterranean, as its name suggests, has dry, cool summers and cold to mild winters, while most of the rainfall falls in winter or the intermediate seasons.
This climate covers most of the northern plateau, inland Galicia and numerous mountainous areas in the centre and south of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands, it extends widely across the interior of the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera and Tenerife, as well as in the highest areas of Gran Canaria.
The continental Mediterranean has mild, rainy winters and dry, warm summers.
This type of climate is present in a large part of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. It extends across most of the southern half and the Mediterranean coastal regions, with the exception of the arid areas of the southeast.
As for the cold steppe, the winters are very cold and the summers can be mild or hot, and rainfall is scarce.
This climate extends across the southeast of the peninsula, the Ebro valley, the southern plateau and, to a lesser extent, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands and the centre of the northern plateau. It is also observed on all the islands of the Canary archipelago.
Spring and autumn are when Spain has the most pleasant weather, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors practically all day long.
Maximum temperatures are reached during July and August, the hottest and driest months in the entire country.
While the lowest temperatures usually occur in January and February, months that also coincide with the rainiest days, mainly in northern Spain.