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What is striking about the ministerial team of Rutte-IV?

More and more names of ministers and state secretaries in Rutte-IV are coming out. The cabinet only came up with a list stating which party belongs to which ministry, but sources in The Hague have already confirmed a large number names of ministers.

What is striking about this – as yet incomplete – list? We discuss it with political reporter Arjan Noorlander.


During and after the formation, informateur Johan Remkes expressed the wish: a new cabinet had to mean “really a new start”, whereby “no doubt” there would be new faces. Faces that would not all come from the established party cadres, but also from society.

“We only succeeded a little bit,” says Noorlander. “There are a number of new names that come from outside, but there are mainly many people among them who have made a career within a party: members of the Senate, politicians from the region, a Member of the European Parliament.”

As far as Noorlander is concerned, there are two names that form an exception to this: that of Robert Dijkgraaf, the intended Minister of Education, and that of Ernst Kuipers, who is to become the Minister of Health. “Dijkgraaf is really someone from the outside, he has never been in politics. And Ernst Kuipers we have of course seen a lot on television about the corona crisis, but the cabinet also wants to radiate with him: we are really going to do things differently than before.”

Wopke Hoekstra

It is still uncertain at which post CDA party leader Wopke Hoekstra will end up. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is often mentioned, but the last party leader to take up that post – Hans van Mierlo of D66 – said afterwards: that was a huge mistake. Because every time something important happened in Dutch politics, he was abroad. That is a danger if you want to continue in politics.” Another post to which the CDA party leader is linked is the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Step towards premiership

It is already clear from another party leader which place she will receive: Sigrid Kaag of D66 will become Minister of Finance. “It was doubted beforehand whether she would like to do Finance, because she has no financial background,” says Noorlander. “It was also said that she would prefer to go back to Foreign Affairs, that is her life. But there she resigned in the previous cabinet after a motion of censure was passed, so that would not be credible.”

Kaag is the first female finance minister ever. Noorlander: “It is the second most important post in politics. We also know: finance ministers in the Netherlands are becoming popular, who are about the money, have a finger in the pie everywhere, so this is clearly also a step towards the premiership.”

Heavy mail

Another name that stands out for Noorlander is that of Dilan Yeşilgöz, who will become Minister of Justice and Security. “Really a very heavy post,” says Noorlander. “The Ministry of Justice is the place where organized crime must be tackled, where experts fight each other on serious legal issues.”

“Many ministers have died in recent years because of this: actually only top lawyers such as Donner, Hirsch-Ballin and Grapperhaus managed to hold their own. She has talent, but we have to see if she can do that, without administrative experience and without legal background. “

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