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What is Rotavirus? Doctor: Many Affect Babies and Children

Sonora.ID – For more than 1 year, Indonesia has been in a state of the corona virus pandemic, which has caused everyone to pay more and extra attention to this pandemic condition.

Unfortunately, the excessive focus on the Covid-19 pandemic, often makes many people start to forget or ignore the many rows of dangerous viruses and diseases that lurk.

In the Health Corner program on Radio Sonora FM, dr. Santi from Kompas Gramedia Medical Center stated that there is one virus that is also dangerous, especially for people baby and childchild.

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The virus is rotavirus.

“People always think that everything is a corona virus, Covid-19, when in fact it is a disease” may many, including this, Rotavirus,” said dr. Santi confirmed.

Rotavirus is a virus that looks like a wheel, which mostly affects infants and children, especially at the age of 3 months to 3 years, causing digestive tract disorders.

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