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What is retirement insurance used for?

Pension insurance, Cnav, Carsat, what are the differences?

In reality, the French retirement system groups together under all these terms entities which designate more or less the same thing depending on the level where they are located (national or regional level).

Pension insurance, which concerns 90% of workers, is the administrator of the compulsory basic scheme. Its implementation is ensured by the Cnav (National old age insurance fund), itself subdivided into Carsat (retirement and occupational health insurance fund). The Cnav providing national leadership and management for the Île-de-France region. The different Carsat having regional competence. We should also point out the existence of the Cgss (general social security funds specific to overseas departments), the Crav (regional old-age insurance fund which manages the special Alsace-Moselle regime) and finally the Css (Social Security Fund of Mayotte).

Good to know : the Carsat replaced the Crams (regional health insurance funds) in 2010. They each group together at regional level the Cpam (primary health insurance funds) that the social insured finds at the local level.

We can summarize the organization of the French social protection system offered by what is called Social Security in the table below.

Apply for retirement

Each person who has contributed to the general social security system can claim to receive his retirement pension. However, before enjoying it, it is necessary to assert your rights and therefore take certain steps.

How to proceed ?

It is necessary to identify all the pension funds, basic and complementary, to which you have contributed during your career. You must refer to the career statement for all plans (the individual statement of situation or RIS, which summarizes your rights acquired from all the basic and additional plans to which you have contributed) which is sent to you periodically by the ‘Retirement insurance, but which you can request on the Retirement Insurance website from your personal space with the “consult my career statement” service. This allows you to check that you meet the necessary conditions to obtain your pension at the full rate (number of quarters required depending on your year of birth)

>> To read also – Calculation of the retirement pension

Good to know : If on reading this document, you notice any errors or omissions, you should ask for them to be corrected without delay. By reconciling this document with your payslips, you will be able to identify all the funds to which you have contributed.

In principle, private sector employees depend on retirement insurance (therefore the Cnav, which manages the basic scheme and Agirc-Arrco for the supplementary scheme). In terms of supplementary pensions, certain branches of activity (in particular construction) may depend on other supplementary funds. The site retirement info provides you with useful information on your retirement rights and how to apply for it.

When and how to make your request?

It is advisable to undertake the application formalities well in advance of the desired departure date, because the complete file must be submitted at least four months before this date. Generally, it is possible to download the online retirement application form on the website of each fund. But the insured can also obtain it by contacting his plan via the telephone platform or by going directly to his pension fund or to one of the retirement hotlines organized near his home.

Good to know : for the basic pension, if the employee has also been affiliated alongside the pension insurance to one or more of the aligned plans (Msa, Rsi, Cavimac), a single retirement request from one of these plans is enough. In principle, it should be formulated with the last scheme to which one contributed. This one taking care of preventing the other aligned regimes.

On the other hand, if the future retiree has contributed to other basic schemes (public service or liberal profession for example), he must file an application with each of the schemes concerned (case of many multi-pensioners).

In all cases, the insured must request the liquidation of his pension for each of the supplementary plans to which he has been affiliated by contacting each fund.

>> Our retirement service for individuals – Entrust an expert with the task of verifying, calculating and optimizing your retirement rights and / or assisting you in liquidating your retirement. You will benefit from a preferential rate (20% discount for Capital internet users)

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