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What is RDS? Recognizing Respiratory Diseases in Newborns

RDS is one of the deadliest respiratory diseases. Risk of death of the newborn. Let’s understand the causes of childhood RDS, symptoms, and prevention and treatment guidelines.

On the day that the little one opened his eyes to see the world What every parent wants to hear the most would probably be inevitable that the word “The child is healthy and complete,” but can not deny that. IntervalpregnantThere may be various risks or errors at any time, which may result ininfantfacechild diseaseor unexpected abnormalities One of the most common is the hypothalamus group.respiratory disease RDS, which many people may wonder RDS iswhat ? what kind of symptoms How to maintain and prevent the child from becoming Today, jar dot com has information about this disease to get to know each other.

What is RDS and what causes it?

RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome) or respiratory distress syndrome is a condition in the respiratory system of newborns. This is a result of the surfactant that is responsible for helping the air sacs in the lungs to function normally in infants is insufficient. This is because the baby’s lungs are not yet fully developed. cause the child to have breathing problems And may lead to various serious complications that can be fatal.

condition RDS It is most common in premature babies. This is especially true for babies born before 28 weeks of gestation. There are also other factors that may predispose a baby to RDS, such as a family member who has had the condition. mother has diabetes twin pregnancy and birth problems that result in reduced blood flow to the baby, etc.

What are the symptoms of RDS?

infants with RDS It will show symptoms shortly after birth. It is evident that the baby has respiratory problems, including:

  • rapid breathing, shallow breathing, wheezing, panting, and flaring of the nostrils while breathing
  • pauses in breathing for a short time
  • A sunken chest or ribs on the chest that collapse when breathing
  • The lips, the tips of the hands and the tips of the feet are dark purple. because of insufficient oxygen
  • Low blood pressure due to poor peripheral circulatory system
  • decreased amount of urine
rds pediatric disease

Complications of RDS

due to condition RDS May cause the child to receive inappropriate amounts of oxygen. therefore may cause complications or other abnormalities in the long term vary, such as

  • Respiratory problems such as chronic lung disease in newborns, pulmonary collapse, lung leakage, emphysema
  • Blood clotting, blood clots, bleeding in the brain or lungs bloodstream infection or kidney failure
  • delayed development due to lack of oxygen or hemorrhage in the brain This leads to delayed movement, learning, hearing, and vision problems.

Therefore, if not promptly treated, the symptoms will become more severe and even fatal.

RDS How to treat and care

in the diagnosis RDS The doctor will check from the personal history whether the birth was premature or not. Then a physical examination will be performed along with auscultation of the lungs. before x-rays to get clear results If the x-ray results come out as white patches Characterized by poor pulmonary enlargement. together with dyspnea, shortness of breath, indicating a condition RDS Must be treated immediately with the following methods

  • mild symptoms The child can breathe on his own to a certain extent. The doctor will treat with oxygen therapy (Oxygen Therapy), which will soon allow the child to adapt. breathe better
  • Intermediate symptoms The child has quite a lot of breathing difficulties. Your doctor will consider using a positive pressure ventilator (CPAP) to push air and oxygen into your child’s lungs. It helps to open the air channels inside the lungs. cause the lungs to expand together with giving oxygen to the child’s body to exchange gases better and breathe more easily
  • Very severe symptoms In case the child cannot breathe on his own or put on a ventilator and the symptoms do not improve Your doctor will treat you with a breathing tube. and use a ventilator 100%
  • The replacement of surfactants of the alveoli (Surfactant Replacement Therapy) In addition to providing oxygen and ventilators. The next important part is “Treatment of incomplete lung failure,” which is done by spraying surfactants to allow the lungs to expand and function normally. After the baby has been exposed to the substance. The doctor will insert a breathing tube to help the baby breathe more easily.
rds pediatric disease

How to prevent your unborn baby from being at risk of RDS

For ways to prevent RDS or respiratory distress syndrome in newborns. is the best taking good care of pregnancy In order for the child to be born with a gestational age of 9 months or 40 weeks, which mothers can do without

  • attend antenatal care and see a doctor regularly
  • If the mother has a risk condition such as being very old (pregnancy over the age of 35), diabetes, multiple pregnancy or preeclampsia It is considered a pregnant woman who is at risk of premature birth. should receive close specialized care
  • Keep an eye out for abnormal symptoms such as abnormal abdominal pain. vaginal discharge feeling unsure of what fluid is coming from the vagina Less squirming was found. or mother has a fever have foul vaginal discharge or abdominal pain in order to be able to see a doctor and be screened in time
  • Take proper care of yourself during pregnancy. By eating food from all 5 food groups and sufficient for the body, not smoking, refraining from using drugs or abstain from alcoholic beverages and be careful about various infections

even if the condition RDS It looks scary, but if you are aware of it, you can find a way to prevent it early so that new mothers can get pregnant with more peace of mind and safety.

Thank you information from: phyathai.com, msdbangkok.go.th, clmjournal.org, thaichildcare.com

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