Home » today » Health » What is ramipril and how can this medicine help treat patients with coronavirus? | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

What is ramipril and how can this medicine help treat patients with coronavirus? | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

humanitarian to be able to give

the last farewell to this young

20 years.

there is a fight against the clock

to get a cure or a

reliable treatment against

coronavirus, specialists what

They are trying and they do it with

a medicine that commonly

used to treat pressure

arterial but today too

could be a rescue for

coronavirus patients, to

talking about the subject accompanies us a

school doctor

medicine and who collaborates in this

cynical essay, thanks for

join us and talk to us a little

about this essay what is this

medicine and how it can help

to patients with coronavirus?

this medicine is a

drug used to reduce

blood pressure and what

we know is particular is that

act on the same doors

input on which he works

the coronavirus, whereupon what

interesting about this

Research is to think that such

once there is a medicine

approved it can serve to

treat infection by


claudia: the treatment is already

is it used

this medicine is gone

using to reduce pressure

art, what we do now is

cynical trials in people

who are hospitalized, and what

that we are seeing is if the use

of this medicine can

reduce the transfer of these

patients to units


claudia: have they been well

been looking for the cure against

AIDS, has that already been achieved?

Actually we are

always trying to do

research in relation to

hiv pandemic but now

we also focus on the


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