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What is Monkeypox Disease? Here are the symptoms and how to prevent it

Surabaya (beritajatim.com) – Maybe some people are more familiar with the term chickenpox. However, in mid-2022, it was rife with the emergence of monkeypox. No doubt if many people ask about what is monkeypox actually?

Basically, monkeypox is an infection caused by the monkeypox virus from the orthopoxvirus group. Where this virus was first discovered in a group of monkeys kept for research in the 1985s.

That’s why it was later called monkey pox. Even so, in fact this condition can also be found in other animals, such as mice and squirrels.

Entering the 70s, this virus was first known to be transmitted to humans. So to be aware of it, of course people need to know what the symptoms are.

Although basically the initial symptoms are similar to chickenpox. Such as fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.

Entering the first to third day after the fever, usually a new red rash appears on the face. Then it spreads to other parts of the body. Over time, the rash turns into pustules filled with pus.

Entering the second to fourth week, usually this condition will improve again. However, to ensure that it does not become a complication and this does not harm others, you should immediately consult a doctor.

So to prevent yourself from getting monkeypox, you can do some things like the following;

First, avoid direct contact with people with monkeypox and animals that carry the virus. This is the most basic way that can be done to break the chain of the disease.

Second, wash your hands more regularly with water and meth. Washing hands is believed to be important before and after doing various activities. Especially because hands are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

Third, do not share the use of cutlery. Cutlery is not recommended to be used interchangeably because it makes it easier for someone to contract the virus, one of which is monkeypox.

Fourth, to avoid the occurrence of monkeypox, the public is also advised not to make direct contact with wild animals, let alone consume them.

Fifth, make sure again if you want to cook your own food. Starting from the selection of good ingredients to the correct way of cooking. (fyi/ian)

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