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What Is Mineralogy – Tribun Lampung

TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Mineralogy is a branch of geology that studies minerals, both in individual form and in unitary form.

Discussion what is mineralogy related to minerals.

According to DGA Whitten and JRV Brooks, 1972 a mineral is a structurally homogeneous solid substance having a specific chemical composition, formed by inorganic natural processes.

Reporting from the teacher of education, a mineral in the geological sense is a substance or object of an original chemical compound or composed by natural processes, has certain chemical and physical properties, and is usually in solid form.

As for what is meant by the original chemical compound is that minerals must be formed naturally by nature, because many substances that are similar in nature to minerals can be made in the laboratory.

Minerals are composed of atoms and molecules of different elements but have a regular pattern.

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Because of this regularity makes minerals have regular properties.

Meanwhile mineralogists also learn about physical properties, chemical properties, how they exist, how they occur and their uses.

a. Mineral Physical Properties

1. Gloss

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