Home » today » World » What is known about the VSU offensive at this time? – 2024-09-06 20:26:43

What is known about the VSU offensive at this time? – 2024-09-06 20:26:43

/ world today news/ We deliberately paused in the coverage of the events of the Vremevskyi approach and in the Velikaya Novoselka region in order to follow and evaluate the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the offensive and we reached several important conclusions.

What is the situation on the ground?

After eight days of offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine, it became clear that the Ukrainian army did not show brilliant tactics “on the ground”. Huge numbers of reserves are being sent for frontal attacks, the preparation of which we have repeatedly reported and whose transfer the military recorded a few weeks before the fighting began.

Judging by the information from the field, both in Zaporozhye and in the Velika Novoselka region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost the most active (and mobile) part of their vanguard.

The exact figures have not yet been established, but judging by the amount of destroyed equipment, the Ukrainian troops lost about 7-7.5 thousand people killed and wounded in eight days of “meat assaults” – this is practically two reinforced brigades.

The heavy losses in both people and equipment led to the fact that the rapid breakthrough of 20-40 km, which was originally planned, failed.

After the first failure, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine adjusted the plans: one of the tasks of the reserve plan of the Ukrainian troops in each of the directions may not be a deep breakthrough in the defense line of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but the expansion of the bridgehead to the west and east for supply of additional reserves.

If the plan failed, why did the armed forces of Ukraine take new positions?

In Zaporozhye, there is no significant advance of the armed forces of Ukraine, the fighting, as initially expected, is taking place not far from the first line of defense and exclusively in the gray zone.

The frontal attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were suspended in favor of the transfer of units south of the Time Outcrop. At the same time, the panic over the entry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the Neskuchnoe and Makarovka region is incomprehensible.

The defense-in-depth tactic initially assumed that, if necessary, the armed forces of the Russian Federation could leave unnecessary positions and move to where the defense was compacted and prepared.

At the same time, losses in equipment and people of the armed forces of Ukraine are increasing to such an extent that several tanks and armored vehicles are lost for every 100 meters of movement. This forces Ukrainian troops to send more and more reserves into a corridor only 6 km wide, where units are clearly visible from the air.

Ukrainian units are entering this zone, but it is difficult to get out and regroup almost in the open – Lancet drones, rocket artillery and howitzers work on groups of equipment.

The situation with the fighting in the southern Donetsk direction is also complicated by the weather conditions – low cloud cover and strong winds do not allow both the Ukrainian troops and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to use unmanned aircraft around the clock. The settlements of Lyubimovka, Novozlatopol, Volodino, Staromayorskoe, Rivnopol, Novodonetsk and Urozhainoe are in the hands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as Staromlinovka.

What is it about?

The most important task of any offensive (and the Ukrainian one in particular) is always not only the occupation of territory, but also the safe introduction of reserves. On the Ukrainian side, there is no problem with the reserves, but there are problems with putting them into operation – every activity of the equipment is recorded, then the aviation or artillery works according to the accumulation.

At the same time, it is noticeable that the more losses the enemy has on the battlefield, the stronger the information attack: shots of Leopard 2 tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles are widely circulated as evidence of progress, but in reality the foreign equipment sent in the offensive in the first days is 60 70% lost or disabled.

The main transport of the armed forces of Ukraine at the moment are Oshkosh M-ATV light armored vehicles and M113 armored personnel carriers, the loss of which is not as painful from a media point of view as the destruction of Leopard 2 tanks or M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

The latter are mainly used at dusk and at night, and in most cases transport the wounded and do not participate in hostilities, which contradicts not only the concept of an offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also the rules for using such equipment in general.

Translation: SM

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