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What is known about the attack on a woman who was hit on the head with a hammer in the New York subway | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

suspect call 18877“pista” is in Spanish andanonymous.Alejandro: from an incident thatstarted in the subway, we’re leavingto another that happened in one oftheir seasons. this happened in67th avenue in forest hill,live from there he speaks to usfilippo ferretti of this case andthe increase in violence inthe subway.Filippo: Good afternoon.the police department ofnew york city followslooking for those responsible fora brutal assault, occurredin this subway station inqueens. two men beatto a man who was insideof the train and beat himbrutally, all this withoutapparent reason.the man is in thehospital in conditionsstable, but this has not beenthe only case of an assaultno reason this happenedweek at queen’s.since on Thursday a person from57 years old was beaten in thehead with a hammer, everythingthat while lowering thestairs to entertransportation system ofsubway.the woman is an employeedepartment of healthnew York Department,He is 57 years old and has sufferedserious injuries to the face andAlso skull fractures.the police departmentit began that the suspectisassailant has been arresteda man of 58 years and nowfaces charges of attempting tomurder.the issue of security insubway is still a topic thatcauses a lot of concernthe residents.It must be said that since themayor has presented his plansecurity, preciselyrelated to the subway soleast there have been 6 cases ofpeople who have markedstabs.who have been stabbed to death.since the beginning of the year theybeen 52 people arrested

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