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what is known about the application of another reinforcement against covid-19 in Guatemala – Prensa Libre

When Guatemala reaches 832 thousand 159 cumulative coronavirus cases and 17 thousand 338 deaths, Health authorities are considering applying a fourth dose of the vaccine against the disease to a group of the population, according to a circular sent to the directors of the Health areas.

According to the Health portfolio, in Guatemala until this Tuesday, April 5, seven million 938 thousand 508 people have been vaccinated with the first dose; six million 031 thousand 280 with two doses; and two million 468 thousand 292 with reinforcement dose or third dose.

What’s more, the vaccination process for children between 6 and 11 years of age is underway, although experts have shown their concern because they doubt that Salud will have the capacity to administer the second dose for that group of the population, to whom the Moderna pharmaceutical biological is being applied.

The circular for this Tuesday, April 5, signed by the Deputy Minister of Primary Care, Edwin Eduardo Montufar Valverde, details as subject the “technical guidelines of vaccination against covid-19 for the administration of the fourth dose for the population aged 12 years or older with immunosuppression and chronic diseases, adults aged 50 years or older and health workers”.

The note requests “to socialize with all the Municipal Health Districts and personnel involved in the issue of vaccination against Covid-19. Likewise, it is made known to you that the System is already enabled for its administration. Please monitor compliance and socialization of the guidelines for the fourth dose.”

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Health confirmed that the application of the fourth dose is evaluated, but that details must first be fine-tuned in this regard.

“It is within the proposal of the following addendum vaccination with fourth dose for the population 12 years of age and older with risk factors, the population 50 years of age and older, and the health population,” said the Health portfolio, adding that the authorities “They are fine-tuning the details to make it official.”

Read more: Read more: Possible criminal and economic consequences due to the expiration of seven million vaccines against covid

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