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what is it and how long will we see them – TSN Exclusive – tsn.ua

Residents of the capital can observe the approach of Jupiter and Venus in the sky.

The people of Kiev were frightened by unusual bright points in the sky, glowing at night. Residents of the capital first wrote that these were some kind of aircraft associated with the war, and later it turned out that the phenomenon in the sky had nothing to do with aviation or drones. This is a rather rare astronomical event – a “parade of planets” due to the convergence of Venus and Jupiter.

“You should not be afraid of these points in the sky. These are the two bright planets Jupiter and Venus, which are now very clearly visible in the western part of the sky above Kiev. This is a kind of parade of planets. The closest approach between Jupiter and Venus will be observed today and tomorrow, unless, of course, there are clouds in the sky. Jupiter gradually moves to the west, and Venus rises. Tomorrow they will be at a minimum distance from each other, ”said the site TSN.ua Nikolai Chepurny, amateur astronomer, member of the board of the Kyiv club of astronomy lovers “Astropolis”.

The expert adds that the planets move quite slowly. And it will be possible to observe their proximity from each other for another two weeks.

“There are no symbols of the end of the world and other things that they write on social networks in this. It’s just that Venus is the brightest planet in our system, and Jupiter is the second brightest. When they go to rapprochement, they attract a lot of attention. But this is a completely simple celestial phenomenon. Scientists know that this is only a visual or spatial phenomenon. Indeed, in fact, the planets Venus and Jupiter are very far from each other, ”explains Nikolai Chepurny.

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