What is happening today in Israel and Palestine is “something that takes you to a distant time, that I thought I would never live again, that life had brought me false hopes”. Senator Liliana Segre said this, guest on the program “Che tempo che fa” on Nove.
“Today it is very difficult not to be afraid, but it is stronger than me, I – she underlined – want to be free and not be afraid, this is the moral legacy that I leave to my children and grandchildren”.
“When you invited me to come here – explained the senator – all this was unimaginable, because we are talking about one, two months ago. I have always been fixated on one thing that I wanted to say on the show: I who, as an old woman, am now very old , but I was already very old when I entered the Senate, I immediately thought that what I wanted to leave behind that was beautiful, moral, interesting, was that commission of which I am President, which fortunately was also renewed in the new legislature , against incitement to hatred”.
“If a commission starts with this principle – he continued – and listens to all the voices that then emerge to participate as hearings in the commission, one wonders if it is a utopia, a dream. When you happen to be alive and see, hear even five minutes ago what is happening in that world, in which you hope there is no incitement to hatred. Then it’s all useless, those utopias that have arisen over the years (…), then nothing but a nightmare, disappointment, desperation. What hope is there for a grandmother like me after seeing what happened to children guilty only of being born? It’s something that takes you to a distant time, which I thought I would never live again, that life had brought me false hopes.”
Read the full article on ANSA.it
2023-10-15 20:52:00
#Segre #time #thought #live