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What is happening in Kharkov today 04/12/2022

Against the backdrop of the invasion of the Russian Federation, the situation in the city is turbulent, it is often fired upon by the invaders.

The invaders attack Kharkov and the region / photo REUTERS

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Kharkiv and the region have often become the target of shelling by the occupiers. So, on the night of April 11, the region was shelled by Russia 66 times.

UNIAN tells what is happening in Kharkov and the region on Tuesday, April 12.

18:15 The moment of demolishing the house to pieces. Lesnoye village. The same one where the Feldman Ecopark is located.

17:47 Zelensky signs law on 100% guarantee of deposits during the war The law introduces a full guarantee of the return of bank deposits in the event that a bank is withdrawn from the market during martial law and three months later. This was announced by the head of the financial committee of the Verkhovna Rada Daniil Getmantsev. Three months after the end of martial law, the state-guaranteed amount will be limited to UAH 600,000, which means it will triple from the current UAH 200,000.

17:27 Architect “Apple Park” is ready to participate in the restoration of Kharkov British architect and designer, winner of the Imperial and Pritzker Prizes Norman Robert Foster agreed to participate in the restoration of Kharkov after the war.

17:25 Igor Terekhov on the restoration of Kharkov: You can’t put “boxes”, each microdistrict should be different “More than a million people now live in the city who are not going to leave because they love their city. You can’t put “boxes”. Each building, each microdistrict should be different. “But at the same time, we must not lose sight of architectural traditions, we have always been famous for Beketov’s mansions. We need to look at the restoration of the city many steps ahead, 30 years ahead, in order to create unique structures, taking into account our characteristics and mentality,” said Igor Terekhov.

17:12 As a result of the shelling of Kharkov, 63-year-old Alexander Akimov, a judo coach, who volunteered during the war and delivered medicines on a bicycle, died. Among the pupils of the coach is the only survivor of the crash in Chuguev Vyacheslav Zolochevsky.

16:57 Forests are planted in the Kharkiv region during the hostilities 🌳 617 thousand trees were planted in 3 weeks. This was reported in the State Agency for Forest Resources of Ukraine. In general, 65.8 million trees were planted in Ukraine over the same period on an area of ​​10,044.1 hectares, of which 539.3 hectares are afforestation.

16:50 The German Foundation honored Kharkiv writer, poet and musician Sergei Zhadan. He decided to send the cash prize to volunteer needs.

16:31 Kharkiv residents are warned about the danger The enemy attacked the city with anti-tank mines with self-liquidators in combat condition. Explosive objects must not be touched.

16:07 The Armed Forces of Ukraine asked – together with you we have collected the places where the Russian communications complexes Redut-2US are located.

In just two days, the Ukrainians sent 30 geolocations of the occupier’s radar station to the chatbot “Yevorog”. This information has already been betrayed to the military.

This setup is for building a closed wireless connection. If you see it, send a photo or video to our chatbot. Enemy: https://t.me/evorog_bot. The faster the better. Don’t forget to take care of safety when photographing the occupier’s equipment.

15:08 Video of a rocket attack on a residential building in Kharkov. Date and time unknown.

13:40 In Kharkov, Russian invaders destroyed about 2 thousand houses and buildings, shelling of the city does not stop. This was announced by the mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhov.

13:03 Kharkiv received the first batch of body armor for emergency medical workers. The vests are made specifically for drivers and paramedics of the fast, they are lightweight and very comfortable to use.

12:23 In Russian Belgorod, they announced the destruction of the railway (photo).

12:10 On the night of April 10, Russian servicemen fired prohibited PTM-1 cluster shells at the Nemyshlyansky and Kievsky districts of Kharkiv. An investigation has been launched into the shelling of Kharkov with prohibited cluster shells. This is reported by the regional prosecutor’s office.

11:16 Evacuation from Kharkov: how to leave the city on April 12. More details.

10:44 Traffic lights are starting to work again in Kharkov.

10:20 Due to the Russian invasion of the road infrastructure of national importance in the Kharkiv region, damage was caused by approximately UAH 30 billion. This was reported by the press service of Ukravtodor.

09:38 In Ukraine, pyrotechnicians discovered and neutralized 6,252 explosive objects per day. Most of all – in the Kharkov region (2327 items). In total, since the beginning of the war, rescuers have neutralized 54,523 explosive objects.

06:52 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that Russian troops continue to partially block Kharkov.

“In the area of ​​the city of Izyum, the enemy is conducting combat operations with the forces of individual units from the 1st Tank and 20th Combined Arms Armies. It is conducting aerial reconnaissance in order to identify the positions of our troops and determine the routes of their advancement,” the message says.

03:09 Air raid alert!

02:43 An air alert has been declared in Kharkov and the region. Earlier in the regional center, sounds similar to explosions were heard. Local Telegram channels wrote about the work of air defense. In addition, there was a thunderstorm in the city at night.

00:00 Russia, out of its impotence, continues to “fight” with the civilian population, however, the Armed Forces of Ukraine firmly hold the defensive positions of the Kharkiv region, said Oleg Sinegubov, chairman of the Regional State Administration. Per day occupiers shelled Kharkov, in particular, in the area of ​​Kholodnaya Gora. They shelled Saltovka, hit the 16th floor.

As a result of daytime attacks in the city and the region, 8 people were killed, including a child of 13 years old. The wounded – 19, among them two children aged 4 and 9.

Citizens are once again urged to be extremely careful, not to approach dangerous objects and, upon detection, immediately call 101.

The Izyum direction remains difficult in the region. The invaders are trying to hold the previously captured lines.

The region is working on the delivery of humanitarian aid, the restoration of roads and the launch of economic processes.

As reported, the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on the morning of 24 February. The occupiers attack infrastructure facilities and residential buildings, and civilians become victims.

Russia is attacking a number of Ukrainian cities from the air, in particular, Kyiv, Kharkov, Mariupol, Nikolaev.

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