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What is happening in Kharkov 29.04.2022

In Kharkov and the region, the situation remains tense, the enemy is constantly attacking.

The Russian Federation continues to “nightmare” the civilian population of Kharkov and the region, inflicting air strikes.

UNIAN tells about what is happening in Kharkiv and the region as of Friday, April 29.

21:50 During the day, the orcs continued to shell Kharkov, the settlements of Bogodukhovsky, Izyumsky and Lozovsky districts. As a result of enemy artillery and mortar strikes on residential areas of the city and the region, 1 person was killed, 5 were injured. 2 residents of Kharkov were injured, in the Zolochiv community – 1 was wounded, 1 person was injured in the Lozovsky community and 1 person in Barvinkovskaya. In Kharkiv, as a result of the shelling of the Shevchenko district, 1 person died.

21:13 Message from Igor Terekhov.

20:26 The first army of the world by looting stole even shoes from the inhabitants of Russian Lozova.

20:17 More than 600 people were evacuated from Russian Lozova, liberated from the invaders, in the Kharkov region.

19:54 Search for relatives

At 18:50, today, 04/28/22, driving along P. Bolbochan St., I saw my grandfather sitting on the sidewalk. Stopped to ask if everything was ok. It turned out not (He only remembers his name and his date of birth) AKHLESTIN VLADIMIR LEONIDOVICH


Since there was an hour left before the curfew, it was decided to take him to the Kholodnaya Gora metro station, where volunteers should feed the grandfather and give him an overnight stay.

19:40 Mayor of Kharkiv Igor Terekhov on the air of UAraz: Shelling on the city does not stop, but with the release of Lozova there is hope that their intensity will decrease. Today, part of the residents were evacuated from Lozovaya to Kharkov. About 20% of housing in Kharkiv cannot be restored. Ukrainian and British architects are already working on the new General Plan of Kharkov as an ideal city. Mer promised to balance the distribution of new housing so that the interests of neither IDPs nor those who were on the waiting list for housing were infringed.

19:32 At a checkpoint in Kharkov, the police seized cartridges and grenades. When inspecting a BMW car, law enforcement officers found the body of RGD-5 grenades and three packs of cartridges. On April 28, while serving at a checkpoint, employees of the criminal investigation department, together with the police department, at the intersection of Lev Landau and Gagarin Avenue, stopped a car under the control of a Kharkiv resident. Law enforcement officers found 90 rounds of ammunition and a grenade inside the car. Material evidence is directed to expert research. Now he faces imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years.

18:24 The shortage of fuel in Ukraine will be eliminated within a week, said Economy Minister Yulia Sviridenko. This deficit arose due to enemy shelling of Ukraine’s fuel infrastructure. In particular, the Kremenchug oil refinery and a number of large tank farms were destroyed. “Market operators have already contracted volumes in Western Europe. And now we are solving the issue of their import to the territory of Ukraine,” Sviridenko wrote. A slight increase in the price of petroleum products is expected due to complex delivery routes and the use of several modes of transport.

17:42 Paratroopers of the 95th Separate Air Assault Brigade from Izyum convey warm congratulations to Russian propagandists. Those once again lied about the fact that our paratroopers were demoralized.

17:32 Following today’s news about the liberation of the village of Ruska Lozova, we suggest you look at the general situation in the Kharkiv region. Map from deepstatemap.live made on the basis of information from open sources. Blue and green mark the territories that were liberated from the occupiers at different times.

17:07 Residents of Chuguev report a column of smoke on the outskirts of the city. As a result of a Russian shell hit, utility rooms flared up, the press service of the State Emergency Service of Kharkiv region said. The fire area is at least 1000 sq. m, they continue to put out the fire. According to preliminary data, there were no injured or dead as a result of the fire.

16:52 The fate of the monument to Zhukov will be decided by a poll – Terekhov The mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, said that after the war, the inhabitants of the city would independently decide the fate of the monument to Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov. He spoke about this in an interview. “As for Marshal Zhukov, let’s return to this issue after the war. There are certain situations, I want people to understand. You know that there are a lot of Kharkiv residents who did not interpret Zhukov as a marshal of victory. There are different sides. And so I want, for Kharkiv citizens to make a decision. Through a sociological survey”Terekhov said.

16:42 Himalayan bear evacuated from Kharkiv Ecopark The situation around Feldman Ecopark is now tense, there are a lot of shellings and it is becoming more and more difficult to take the animals out. But nevertheless, our employees and volunteers sometimes manage to break into the territory of the Ecopark and save our pets. The last successful operation was the evacuation of a female Himalayan bear. Now she is in quarantine, then she will go to one of our partners to recover from stress.” – the message says.

15:55 Kharkov, April 29. Residents of Northern Saltovka cook food on a fire at the entrance to a house damaged by Russian shelling.

15:36 A junkyard in Kharkiv consisting only of carcasses from rashist missiles flying at civilian targets.

15:33 In the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian defenders shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber Minus one weapon to kill Ukrainians! Thanks APU! 💪

13:33 The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated Russian Lozovaya. This is a strategically important settlement located on the Kharkiv-Belgorod highway. It was from this suburb during the occupation that the enemy fired aimed at the civilian infrastructure and residential areas of Kharkov.

13:23 In the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian defenders shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber.

13:03 A terrorist defense fighter from Kharkov with the call sign “Cadet” was killed by Russian shelling near Barvenkove.

12:56 New types of landfills have appeared in Kharkov. Dumps of cluster rocket frames collected by the city’s emergency and rescue services.

11:55 Evacuation from Kharkov: how to leave the city on April 29.

11:05 Residents of Kharkov and the region continue to receive humanitarian aid. The regional logistics center sent more than 100 tons of food to the communities of Kharkiv region per day.

10:52 Air raid in Kharkov and the region! Everyone is in hiding!

10:46 As of now, the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration is not conducting a centralized evacuation from Russkaya Lozova and Lesnoy.

10:32 Military expert Oleg Zhdanov explained why the Russian army now no chance to capture Kharkov.

10:00 During the day, Russian invaders shelled Kharkov 16 times, two of which were from Grad and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems, Oleg Sinegubov, chairman of the Kharkov regional military administration, said on television on April 29. According to him, compared to the previous week, shelling in Kharkov has become much less, but it is extremely dangerous to be on the streets, because civilian casualties are recorded every day. In the region, Dergachi, Chuguev, Zolochev were hit in a day, Izyum remains a “hot” spot.

09:18 Operational information as of 06.00 04.29.2022 on the Russian invasion: In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to focus his efforts on holding positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Kharkov and is trying to fire the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in certain directions. He did not conduct active offensive operations in the Izyum direction. The main efforts are focused on conducting reconnaissance, identifying the defensive positions of the Defense Forces units and hitting them with artillery fire.

05:50: The night passed calmly in Kharkov, without announcements of air raid alerts and reports of explosions.

01:00: The Kharkiv OVA reported that during the day in Kharkiv and the region 5 dead and 11 wounded from Russian shelling.

Within three hours after the end of the alarm at 21:05 there were numerous reports of explosions in the city and the region.

Recall Russian troops launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on the morning of February 24.

First, the enemy dropped bombs on military installations, and then attacked the civilian population in a number of settlements, in particular, in Kharkov and the region.

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