Home » Health » “What is expected in this campaign is that the flu virus will be more annoying than the covid virus”

“What is expected in this campaign is that the flu virus will be more annoying than the covid virus”

The expert notes that in the case of Covid, the latest vaccines provide greater protection against the circulating variants and that the flu virus has every chance of saturating healthcare facilities again, and that “lately it has been affecting children and young people with serious symptoms.”

In the latest vaccination campaigns against influenza and Covid, the participation rate has dropped, especially among the younger age groups. What would you say to those who are called to get vaccinated, but are not considering doing so?
Getting vaccinated is the most effective preventive measure against influenza. Its effectiveness in preventing the disease depends on the degree of similarity between the vaccine strains and those that are circulating. And although vaccination does not completely prevent the risk of contracting it, a recent study has shown that it reduces the probability of being hospitalized by half. On the other hand, flu vaccines have practically no side effects and lately the flu is also affecting children and young people with serious symptoms, so it is smart to get vaccinated. As for Covid, all people who are recommended by the health authority to get vaccinated should do so, because the most recent vaccines will also immunize more against the strains that are now circulating.

Last year, the flu had a greater impact than Covid-19, causing more serious cases in our health area. What are the forecasts for this campaign? Will the flu be more of a nuisance than Covid?
The situation will be similar. In the southern hemisphere, which is where we are looking to get an idea of ​​what may happen here, the impact was similar to last year, with an early start and a peak between April and May. The predominant circulating viruses were A(H1N1) in Africa and A(H3N2) in Australia and Oceania, although, at the end of the season, B viruses increased in both (up to 10%). In any case, without a doubt, what is expected in this campaign is a situation similar to the last one, that the flu virus will be more bothersome than the covid-19 virus.

It has been known for some time that Covid is not seasonal, but what is happening with the flu? Because this summer cases were detected in our health area. Is its behaviour changing?
Influenza is predominantly seasonal, but that doesn’t mean that cases don’t occur at other times of the year, which has always been the case. No, its seasonal nature is not changing. And as for Covid-19, it did not show a seasonal character during the pandemic.

Some say that another pandemic will soon strike. What do you think? And most importantly, will we be prepared to deal with it this time?
There is no doubt that it will happen. What we don’t know is when it will happen. It could happen this year or it could take a long time. As for preparation, we will never be fully prepared, but much can be done to improve our response capacity for when it comes. We know perfectly well what needs to be done: improve epidemiological surveillance with the concept of one health, strengthen our health system and inform the population.

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