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What is Erdogan bringing to Athens before he even arrives?

The announcement of the Supreme Cooperation Council was made in July on the outskirts of Vilnius. It signaled the willingness of Athens and Ankara to restart the dialogue and prepare for Greek-Turkish relations to actually try to change the page and build the space created in the context of earthquake diplomacy.

At the time, there were many who wanted “fast track” procedures in order to bring Greece and Turkey to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. With the diplomats refuting the scenarios and underlining that the road to resolving the Greek-Turkish dispute over the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone is long and difficult and even if there are good intentions it requires time, patience and persistence.

They meaningfully pointed out that in the Greek-Turkish dialogue we should not expect leaps, but one step at a time, with the first maintaining calm and building trust, which can be done through a consistently good climate.

The issue of Erdogan’s possible visit to Thrace then began to enter the scenarios. So far this has not been confirmed either.

While Erdogan is trying to convince that he is coming to Athens with “good intentions” and a mood for a mutually beneficial cooperation, the Turkish media note the mood for a discussion in a good atmosphere and a continuation of the calm

Afterwards, questions began to be raised as to whether the visit should take place and whether it is to the benefit of Athens. Both within the ND and mainly in the right wing, as well as in the parties to the right of the ND.

The refusal of dialogue was attempted to become a publicity stunt, aiming to discount benefits if and when Erdogan’s visit derails.

At the same time, the questions began to be asked “what if” the Turkish president tries to raise issues that cause tension between the two sides and could be the reason for a disagreement in front of the cameras.

Like for example a reference by Erdogan to “Turkish minority” in Thrace instead of “Muslim”. Athens again declares “ready for all eventualities”.

Good intentions

While Erdogan is trying to convince that he is coming to Athens with “good intentions” and a mood for a mutually beneficial cooperation, the Turkish media note the mood for a discussion in a good atmosphere and a continuation of the calm.

With some wondering if all these hypothetical scenarios and reactions to the visit, before the visit itself, will eventually turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Or if in the end Erdogan will stay on the same line he has drawn until today of zero challenges and a consistently positive agenda, giving the most resounding answer to those who wait with their fingers raised.

The agreement agenda

For the visit, the information is clear. The agenda of agreements and memoranda of understanding remains under construction even more limited than it seemed to be at the beginning and without anything too “fancy”.

However, the realization of the Supreme Cooperation Council remains an important card in the Greek-Turkish dialogue, which can provide a basis for the development of relations and the maintenance of calm, provided always the political will. From both sides.

Otherwise, it is very easy to revert to nationalist slogans, threats and bellicose rhetoric, which have no political cost. Probably the opposite.

With the correct information of the public opinion about the Greek-Turkish, the cost of the tension and the possibilities of solutions should be a bet. For both sides.

Source: in.gr

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