The instability that has appeared in several areas of Italy in the last few hours in the destination forecasts for Sunday August 4 “almost disappears, there are still some very small traces the interior areas of the Gargano between Abruzzo and Molise”, explained Paolo Sottocorona, the expert La7, during Omnibus. Precipitation, even locally intense, continues in the “typical area that includes Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, and will also reach the lowlands”.
A movement that is almost unchanged on Monday August 5 with the expectation of clouds in the north, but “they seem to be indeed more concentrated in the low area, the other towards the plain”. Also expected is “very light rain in the interior areas of the center and possible rain in Sicily”, an event that is awaited with dread due to the problem of drought. On Tuesday August 6, the meteorologist La7 explained, “there is some possibility of some rain in the inner areas of the center and in part in the south”.

Regarding the heat, which is still intense in many regions, Sottocorona explains that the lowest temperature has fallen for example in Sardinia. But one thing appears on the temperature map: the disappearance or almost disappearance of the “purple zones”, the areas where the thermometer is expected to rise above 36 degrees. Spots of this color continue only in the interior areas of Sardinia and in interior and remote areas in the south. The trend for the next few days also shows stable values.