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What is BRICS, for which Modi is in South Africa, why many countries want to come in it


BRIC was originally established in the year 2006 but the first summit was held in 2009.
With the efforts of Russia, India, China, Brazil and Russia together established this new club

South Africa along with Russia, India, China, Brazil formed an organization called BRICS a few years ago. Its latest meeting is starting today in Johannesburg. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gone there to participate in it. Do you know what this organization is?

The group of major emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is called the BRICS group. It is organizing the 15th Heads of State and Government Summit in Johannesburg from 22 to 24 August.

Here we will know what is BRICS. How to make What is its purpose and why many countries want to be a part of it. Let us first know what is BRICS. How many countries were there in the beginning and how did it become

What is brix?
Its abbreviation is BRIC in English, which was named after the first English letters of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Before the inclusion of South Africa, it was called BRIC. After the inclusion of South Africa in the year 2010, it came to be known as BRICS.

The parent organization was founded in 2006 but held its first summit in 2009. At present it has 05 member countries. All BRICS members, except Russia, are developing or newly industrialized countries, whose economies are growing rapidly. All these countries exert significant influence on regional and global affairs. These five BRICS countries represent about 42 percent of the world’s population.

how was it established
The bloc was founded in 2009 as an informal club through Russia’s efforts to provide its members a platform to challenge the world order dominated by the United States and its Western allies.

does it meet every year
Yes, it meets every year. The heads of state and government of its member states meet every year. Every nation that hosts the annual meeting presides over it for one year. When the meeting is held in the next nation, then the presidency goes to it. This process continues in rotation.

what is the purpose of this organization
– improving education
Maintain harmony between developed and developing countries
Maintaining political behavior within mutual countries
– Maintaining economic aid and security behavior with other countries
– Settling disputes within countries
– Protecting each other’s culture

What are the three pillars of BRICS
politics and security
– economic and financial
Exchange of culture and people

Till now when and which countries have chaired it
On 6 June 2009, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presided over the first summit in Yekaterinburg in Russia.
– 5 April 2010 in Brasilia, Brazil presided over by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
– 14 April 2011 A summit was held under the chairmanship of Hu Jintao at a place called Sanya in China.
It was hosted by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on 29 March 2012.
– Hosted by Jacob Zuma in Durban, South Africa on 26–27 March 2013
– Chaired by Dilma Rousseff in Fortaleza, Brazil, 14-17 July 2014
– 8-9 July 2015 Hosted by Vladimir Putin at Ufa, Russia
– It was hosted by the Minister of India Narendra Modi on 15–16 October 2016
– It was organized by Chinese Prime Minister Xi Jinping in Xiamen on 3-5 September 2017
– Hosted by South African leader Cyril Ramaphosa in Johannesburg on 25-27 July 2018
– 13-14 November 2019 in Brasilia, Brazil presided over by Jair Bolsonaro
– The conference which was to be held on 21-23 July 2020 was postponed due to Kovid
– Narendra Modi hosted it through video conferencing on 9 September 2021
– Hosted by Xi Jinping in China in June 2022
In this way, India has presided over it 03 times. Russia hosted twice and Brazil got this credit 03 times. 03 times China has made it its president, so it is going to happen for the third time in South Africa.

Which countries want to join BRICS and why?
More than 40 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Algeria, Bolivia, Indonesia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Comoros, Gabon and Kazakhstan, have expressed their enthusiasm to join the platform Is.
All these countries see BRICS as an alternative to global bodies dominated by traditional western powers. They hope that membership will bring them the benefits of development finance, and increased trade and investment.
All these countries feel that by joining BRICS, they will not only get benefits but will also help in fighting the supremacy of rich countries.

Tags: Brazil, Brics, BRICS Summit, China, Russia, South africa

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