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What is atmosphere (atmosphere)?

What is atmosphere (atmosphere)?

The atmosphere (atmosphere) is a layer of gas enveloping the earth that functions to maintain air temperature in small fluctuations through the process of the greenhouse effect and resist harmful solar radiation. The atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen (N?), 21% oxygen (O?), 0.9% argon (Ar), and 0.03% carbon dioxide (CO?).

The rest is in the form of other gases such as helium (He), hydrogen (H), xenon, (Xe) ozone (O?), water vapor and dust particles known as aerosols. The thickness of the earth’s atmosphere reaches thousands of kilometers. The atmosphere that extends at an altitude of 500 to 1000 km in space is a protector for living things on earth.

The topmost layer of the atmosphere is very thin and tenuous, so that particles can move freely and escape the Earth’s gravity.

On the other hand, the lower atmosphere is very dense and consists of gas, water, dust and so on. This situation causes weather and climate activity on earth.

Source: Terms in climate change

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