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What is allowed on the weekend and what is not

Step by step, public life starts again in Bavaria. But what is actually allowed now? And which weekend activities are prohibited?

“As much freedom as possible, as much security as necessary” is the principle with which the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior describes its current timetable in the Corona crisis. Public life and the economy are to be strengthened without endangering public health. Accordingly, numerous weekend activities are now possible again. Others remain banned.

Where and how can I meet friends and family?

Since May 6th, there is no good reason to leave your home. Since May 8, it has been allowed to meet friends and family inside or outside your own four walls. Important: This is allowed for members of two households. So it is possible to invite the neighbors for coffee or to visit the grandparents with their own children. Celebrations in an extended family or circle of friends are not allowed.

Are barbecues allowed on weekends?

Barbecue in your own garden with another household is allowed. However, this is expressly prohibited in public spaces. The Bavarian government wrote: “Celebrating and barbecuing in public places and facilities is prohibited.”

What is allowed in the allotment garden?

According to the government website, the contact restriction for public space applies here. Meeting two households in the allotment is permitted while observing the hygiene rules, but not grilling and partying together.

Can I go shopping normally on weekends?

Since May 11, almost all retail and service companies have reopened. An extensive shopping tour in the city center is again possible if the contact restrictions, the distance requirement (1.5 meters distance) and the obligation to wear a mask are adhered to.

Are restaurants and beer gardens open again at the weekend?

No, the relaxation of the corona measures will only apply to catering businesses from Monday, May 18. Then outdoor facilities such as beer gardens may reopen under strict conditions. Gastronomy businesses are only allowed to reopen their indoor area one week later from Monday, May 25th.

Are burial regulations relaxed?

In accordance with the state corona easing, the diocese of Würzburg also mitigates its strict burial regulations. “This means that up to 50 people can attend the funeral and the celebration no longer has to be restricted to the closest family,” says a letter from Bishop Franz Jung published on Friday. According to the diocese, the easing has been in effect since May 13.

Can I visit family in other federal states over the weekend?

Yes, it is allowed. There is no longer any good reason to visit other federal states. However, it should be noted that different corona rules may apply in other federal states. The rules can usually be found on the respective government website.

Are corona demonstrations allowed in Bavaria?

According to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, meetings are currently banned in principle, but are still permitted on a regular basis provided they meet hygiene requirements and do not exceed a certain number of participants. According to the police, large demonstrations, such as those that took place last weekend in Munich, were not broken up to avoid an escalation.

Are zoos and animal parks open on weekends?

Yes, zoos, zoos and botanical gardens have also been reopening in Lower Franconia since May 11th. Certain requirements apply, such as limiting visitor numbers, no petting zoos and no catering.

Are museums open again?

Yes, museums, libraries, galleries, exhibitions and memorials have been reopening since May 11th. On the website of the Würzburg cultural store it says: “A bit of normality is returning, but hygiene and distance rules will change the visit and must also be observed in the museum.”

Are swimming pools and gyms open again?

No, leisure facilities, which include swimming pools and gyms, will remain closed for an indefinite period in Bavaria. While gyms in other federal states have already been allowed to open again, the Bavarian Corona timetable does not provide for opening until at least Pentecost.

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