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What is Advertising? Check out the Definition, Structure, and Functions

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Check out the meaning of advertising, its structure, and its function in the following article.

according to Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)Advertising is news orders that encourage, persuade the general public to be interested in the goods and services offered.

With the advertisement, it is hoped that the advertised goods and services will be sold by the public.

The ad text contains an inducement to do or not do something, such as an inducement to buy a certain product.

The ad text must be made as attractive as possible, aiming for people who see the ad to be interested in what is in the ad.

Advertisements can be promoted through advertising media such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, to the internet.

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Quoted from ojs.badanbahasa.kemdikbud.go.id, see an explanation of the meaning and structure of advertising.

Definition of advertisement

Advertising is a form of non-personal communication activity that is conveyed through the media by paying for the space it uses to convey persuasive messages to consumers by companies, non-commercial institutions, and interested individuals.

Not only that, advertising is also a communication process that has a very important power as a marketing tool that helps sell goods, provide services, and ideas through certain channels in the form of persuasive information.

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