One of the two phenomenon of nature the long-awaited and rare is the solar eclipse. This eclipse is known to occur when the sun, moon and earth are in parallel orbits. So the moon will block the light emitted by the sun.
Solar eclipse, especially a total solar eclipse, occurs only once every few years. Therefore, many sky watchers and people are waiting for it. The earth will go dark instantly when there is a solar eclipse. But this eclipse also has several types.
In addition, two types of shadows are also produced. It is also known that many solar eclipses are associated with certain myths, so there are impacts that occur naturally. For more details, see the explanation below.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
NASA explains that a solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks sunlight from reaching the earth. This causes a solar eclipse. The moon will block sunlight from reaching the earth. The moon will cast a shadow on the earth.
Meanwhile, Space explains that solar eclipse it occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun, and the moon will obscure the earth. Solar eclipses can only occur during the new moon phase, when the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth and its shadow falls on the earth’s surface.
in fact, eclipse they occur due to the coincidence of mechanics and timing. When the moon formed 4.5 billion years ago, this celestial body would have moved away from the earth about 4 cm each year. This is what causes the eclipse. Both solar and lunar eclipses.
A solar eclipse is known to occur once every 18 months in one region of the earth. Meanwhile, the duration of a lunar eclipse can be several minutes, while what happened is 7 minutes 32 seconds. The duration varies due to the size of the moon and the sun which appears to change at that point in its orbit.
Types of solar eclipses
1. Total solar eclipse
This type of eclipse occurs when the moon completely blocks out the sun. Thus, the crown will be visible. It is known that the corona (sun) is the outermost part of the sun. The moon will cut out all sunlight that normally radiates to earth. When a total solar eclipse occurs, there will be a small path visible from the earth.
2. Partial solar eclipse
This type of solar eclipse occurs when the moon is not in the center of the line between the sun and the earth. Therefore, the moon only partially covers the sun. This is explained by Harrington in his book titled eclipse! (1997).
He explained that this type of eclipse is visible at many points outside the path of a full or annular eclipse. As far as what is visible on earth, only part of it is because the shadow does not intersect with the earth, but only traverses the area above the polar regions. Therefore, this eclipse does not cause as much darkness as other types of eclipses.
3. Solar eclipse ring
Harrington (1997) he also explained that an annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon is right in the middle of the sun and the earth. So that the size seems smaller and only the edge of the sun is visible. Therefore, you will see a light similar to a bright ring around the moon. Likewise with the moon which looks very dark.
4. Mixed solar eclipse
Solar eclipses are also known as hybrids or hybrids. This eclipse occurs between a total eclipse and an annular solar eclipse. The surface will look like a total eclipse. Meanwhile, at another point it will look like an annular eclipse. This type is known to be extremely rare.
Types of Shadows in a Solar Eclipse
1. Umbra
Always quoting from the official site NASA, The umbra shadow will get smaller when it reaches the earth. The shadow is the dark center of the moon’s shadow. Some areas that are in the center of the shadow will see a total eclipse. Umbra is also defined as the deepest and darkest part of the shadow produced by an eclipse. This is because the light source is completely blocked.
2. Penumbra
Unlike the umbra, this type of umbra will get bigger when it reaches the earth. For areas that are in the penumbral point we will see a partial solar eclipse. Meanwhile, second Oxford Dictionary, Shadow is the outer region of partially dim shadows cast by opaque objects.
The myth of the solar eclipse
Almost similar to lunar eclipses, solar eclipses also have some stories from ancient people. This includes myths and their relation to some aspect of life.
One of the myths that have developed in society is that the sun is believed to be eaten by evil beings. Site launch National Geographic, the belief comes from the Vikings. They believed there was a pair of wolves in the sky that chased the sun and caught it.
Likewise with the “rumors” who think a solar eclipse can affect one’s mood. Quoting from the site NASA, his party stressed that the solar eclipse was a purely natural phenomenon and had nothing to do with it.