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What is a mastrogram and why is it important to do it?



26/12/202105:00 p.m.Author: Editorial staffSource: Agencies

What is a mastrogram and why is it important to do it?

The new normal has brought us considerable changes in the style and rhythm of life, however, routine medical studies that can save us

In Mexico, only 20 percent of the women old enough to undergo a study of mammography go to do it, which considerably reduces the chances of early detection of breast cancer, a disease that is the leading cause of death in our country, with more than 5,000 deaths per year, 15 a day and little more than one each two hours.

Dr. Michelle O’Shea, a breast surgeon at Houston Methodist Hospital, called for all women older than 40 years attend the study of mammography, At least once a year.

Dr. O’Shea explained that this type of study, for the most part, is covered by insurers, therefore, the cost should not be an inconvenience; Likewise, if you have social security, your family doctor can extend the order to carry out this study at no cost.

Regarding whether the mammography is painful, Dr. O’Shea commented that, “some women They may find breast compression to be uncomfortable or painful, but the experience is different for everyone. Compression takes about 10 seconds for each image, and most radiologic technologists are trained to make the experience as comfortable as possible. “

To prevent the mammography becomes a tortuous study, the specialist recommends that “you go without haste and with comfortable clothes, in addition to talking with the technician who will carry out the study to finish dispelling doubts about the procedure.”

About the difference of a mammography detection vs. a diagnostic one, the Houston Methodist Hospital surgeon explained that, “a mammography screening when you have no symptoms of breast cancer. The purpose is to find cancers at an early stage, if we find an irregularity in a mammography screening, you may be asked to come back for additional testing. ”

He added that, “you can request a mammography diagnostic after a screening shows a questionable area or if a lump is felt in the breast or other symptoms are present. “

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