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What is a loan with a mortgage guarantee?, by Casa de Crédito

In most cases, home equity loans manage to get the financing they need, but they must leave a property as collateral that the loan will be repaid. They have become one of the main options chosen when applying for a loan, mainly by people who are going through times of crisis.

Getting a loan with a mortgage guarantee today is easier, even for those who already have a delinquent status. But for this, they must first enlist the help of specialized intermediarieslike those of the portal Credit House.

Mortgage loans, a solution in times of crisis

talk about a home equity loanis basically talking about financing that is granted to a person, who In exchange, you must put a property as collateral in case of non-payment of the loan.. This type of financing differs from the bank mortgage loan, mainly because the person who receives the money can use it for other purposes, and not necessarily for the purchase of a home.

Generally, home equity loans are offered by private financial companiesfor whom the property will be a guarantee that guarantees the repayment of the loan.

The property that can be provided as collateral before the lender can be a commercial premises, a piece of land or rustic property, a house, whether it is a flat, a house, etc. An industrial warehouse, buildings, real estate developments, among others, can also be offered. Once a property has been offered as collateral, it is appraised, which will determine the maximum amount that can be requested as a loan, which, usually around 35% of the gross value of the property.

Requirements to access a loan with mortgage guarantee

Casa de Crédito is a company specialized in credit intermediation, whose main competitive advantage is that through it people can find financing solutions adapted to their needs, quickly and regardless of their delinquency status. To access a loan with a mortgage guarantee through a portal like this, certain requirements must be met. The main ones are, being of legal age and that the minimum amount to request is €20,000, with no maximum amount. In addition, the property or properties that are going to be provided as collateral must be free of charges or with little mortgage to be accepted. The guarantee property must also be located in a municipality with at least 25,000 inhabitants or in coastal or tourist towns.

Finally, the applicant must have the solvency to meet the loan payments. Applying for the loan with mortgage guarantee through Casa de Crédito will take only a few minutes, the process is 100% secure and totally online.

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