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What is a layer 8 error and how do you prevent it from messing up your marketing

First of all, you should know that the worst that can happen to you is that a layer 8 error ruins your marketing.

It’s that simple: everything may have been planned to perfection, down to the last detail, from the beginning of the user experience with your company until the moment they make the last click and buy your product.

However, if it appears a layer 8 error, everything will fall like a house of cards.

Layer 8 error, in programming, is a design problem that sits between the keyboard (or smartphone) and the user. That is, it means that the person who is using your website (or your app) is not doing what your UX designer thought they would do.

Led to marketing, layer 8 error is an external problem that was not taken into account when designing the strategy, but that could be avoided.

A problem with the cables of the PC, a design error of a point of sale, a payment page in the app with colors that the user does not distinguish, etc.

As such, the layer 8 error does not exist in programming. This is the phrase that developers use to say that “the user is to blame.”

Let’s go to some examples.

  • When a virus enters a company’s system and deletes all customer data. The Layer 8 bug is the end user, the poorly trained employee who disassembled the firewalls because the PCs were “slow.”
  • Another example: the hacking of a brand’s Twitter account. The layer 8 error is the agency in charge of digital marketing that put a community manager in charge of the account who, as he managed four profiles at the same time, wrote down all the passwords on a huge piece of paper pasted on the PC with public access.

The layer eight error is calculated to be responsible for more than 70 percent of internal technology problems.

The worst is they are always avoidable (This is why they are called layer 8 errors and not layer 8 crashes). Companies cannot suffer something like this because they put all prestige at risk.

The name (layer 8) derives from OSI model (Open System Interconnection) programming consisting of seven layers. The first layer, physical level, is the one that is furthest from the user. On the other hand, the seventh (if it is an app it would be the same application), is the closest to the user.

Therefore, these errors are those that occur between users and applications.

If you have not yet understood what a layer 8 error is, in colloquial terms it would be your own mistake.

Layer 8 is the hackers’ door

In the case of computer security, hackers know more than anyone what layer 8 is. That is why they take full advantage of the typical human behaviors that tend to generate these problems, such as goodwill, trust, pride, fear or the intention not to generate conflicts.

Thus, generating layer 8 errors, scammers access computer systems without being authorized.

To avoid them, companies must train their workers to learn clear guidelines regarding the proper handling of confidential information.

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