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What is a Gold Badge on Twitter? Understanding the New Verification Badges | Social media

Since he acquired the Chirping, Elon Musk has made a number of changes to the microblogging. One of the most significant concerns verification seals. Once intended only for “active, notable and genuine accounts in the public interest”, the blue seal can now be acquired through the Twitter blue signature, not yet available in Brazil. It turns out that, under the billionaire’s management, the blue check is no longer the only check: the platform has earned gold seals, for commercial accounts, and gray ones, for governments and other public figures .

By paying US$11 per month (R$59.90, in direct conversion), Twitter Blue subscribers get, in addition to the blue seal, extra features such as editing tweets and customizing the interface. The gold seal, in turn, can be obtained by subscribing to Twitter Blue for Business, which launched last Monday (19). At the moment, however, the service is in a pilot phase and is only available to selected companies. According to Musk, all accounts will be evaluated before receiving the stamps. Next, understand Twitter’s new badges and learn how to differentiate them.

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Check out Elon Musk’s new Twitter verification badges — Photo: Caroline Silvestre/TechTudo

Prior to the Musk administration, Twitter only provided the blue verification badge to “active, notable, and authentic public interest accounts,” such as those of artists, government officials, and journalists. It worked as a certificate of authenticity, i.e. it proved that the profile really belonged to that person. Now, an account with a blue icon can also mean that the person is signed up Blue Twitter — Twitter subscription service that adds some extra features to the microblogging.

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A message about account verification appears when you hover over the blue seal — Photo: Replay/Twitter

For now, accounts that had blue verification in the pre-Musk era still have them. The only way to identify if the badge was obtained through purchase or authenticity is to click on the blue check mark. When the badge was acquired before Musk took over Twitter, the message appears: “This is a pre-existing verified account. It may or may not be a person of notoriety.”

In the accounts of those who have purchased the seal, in turn, the message appears: “This account has been verified because it is a member of Twitter Blue”. It is worth mentioning, however, that Elon Musk has announced that blue verification will soon be limited to users who have paid for the seal.

The gold badge is new to Twitter users. The branding is intended for prominent corporations and corporate accounts. The resource was created so that accounts subscribed to Twitter Blue would not use verification to pretend to be official profiles of other companies and organizations, a practice that occurred as soon as the new version of Twitter Blue launched in November . The official page of the social network, for example, already has the new seal.

Companies interested in acquiring the gold seal will have to subscribe to the “Twitter Blue for Business” plan, launched last Monday (19). In addition to receiving the badge, subscribers to the premium service will be able to link individuals, companies and affiliated brands to their accounts. When they do, affiliate accounts will receive a small square badge with their company’s profile picture next to the blue or gold badge. Another change is that business accounts will have a square avatar, while the round one will be for individuals.

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Twitter Blue for Business identifies corporate accounts with a gold badge; accounts linked to the company that joins the plan will receive a square badge next to the verification seal — Photo: Disclosure/Twitter

It’s worth mentioning that Twitter Blue for Business is still in a pilot phase, being tested with select companies. “We will be expanding the program soon and look forward to adding more companies in the new year,” said Esther Crawford, product manager at Twitter.

The “official” gray seal was introduced a few weeks ago and quickly removed after spawning a spate of memes. Two days after disabling the feature though, Musk decided to come back with the official check mark due to numerous reports from users that bought the verification stamp to impersonate companies and celebritiesdata🇧🇷 Appears immediately below the username to differentiate Twitter Blue subscribers from verified accounts because they have high visibility.

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The gray (official) seal appears just below the username — Photo: Playback/Caroline Silvestre

Last Monday (19), however, Twitter announced the arrival of a new gray seal to represent “government institutions or officials, or multilateral organizations”. This includes national and local crisis response entities, public safety, law enforcement and regulatory agencies, embassies and other key agencies at the national level. Officials, in turn, include heads of state, foreign official spokesmen and high-ranking diplomatic leaders.

With information from Twitter (1, 2, 3) and Tech Crunch (1, 2)

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