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What is a community manager

A community manager is the person who does more than manage the social networks of a company. He or the person who has this role is in charge ofe create a community around the value that the business offers.


The community manager shares important information and not only sells the value to the users, it also adds the benefits.

That person who is community manager not only fulfills management and development functions, is also in charge of increasing the community. This in order to detect potential clients and prescribers.

Once the clients are detected, the community takes care of establish lasting and stable relationships With each one of them.

It is said that it is the community managers who have become a fundamental piece for the dissemination of quality content on the different social platforms. It is precisely these characters who they are in charge of the digital reputation of companies, public figures, among others.

These professionals have the great responsibility of connecting and empathizing with the public, so it is advisable to have a good filter to choose the ideal person.

Qualities of the community manager

It is said that the community manager is a very complex profession and that brings together multiple skills and abilities.

All knowledge can be acquired on your own or accelerate the process by carrying out a community training program. However there is various qualities that every person who aspires or is a community manager must have.

  • CommunicativeNot only does it receive the information, it must retransmit it in the correct way.

Many of the situations that become important topics in social networks arise from one moment to another and the person in charge of being monitoring networks you must be aware of these situations in real time to be able to react.

  • Passionate: the person who has the role of community manager must have a lot of enthusiasm for what he does. That is, you must be passionate about your work and meet your goals. Therefore he is an achievement-oriented and responsible person.
  • Curious: It is said that studies, certifications and constant preparation are very important, however everything must be linked to curiosity. The achievement of objectives and the desire to continue learning depend on this.
  • Investigator: any information whatever intended for social media It must be previously reviewed, analyzed and verified to avoid errors.
  • Creative: A community manager must have a wide imagination, and must have the potential to exploit their ideas and communicate them correctly to the public.
  • Analytical: creativity and fluency is important for social networks but it must be accompanied by a clear analysis to avoid future problems.
  • Proactive: a community manager is the one knows his job and always has alternatives and options not to fall into monotony.
  • Flexible: it is important that there is flexibility and trust between both parties, both the company and the community manager must have empathy to be able to solve problems and accept changes.
Community functions Community functions

Part of the functions to be carried out by a community are the following:

Meet the objectives of digital marketing, social media and social networks.

Monitor the brand. You must know at all times what they say about the company, its products and services. If they are comments positive, negative or neutral.

Realization of the calendar of publications for each social network. This implies previously establishing the strategic content lines for the brand for each social network.

We must not forget that the brand must communicate adapted and personalized content for each social network. The user searches for different content through Twitter, Instagram , Snapchat or on Tik Tok. All are varied content.

Generate digital communication to establish relationships with the community, prescribers, clients and users interested in our content.

Analysis of the activity of the main competitors of the brand.

– What do the competitors on social media.

– What type of content they publish and what level of interaction it has.

The reputation level online.

Know how the community is, level or rate of engagement and involvement. It has to do with the growth of the community, impact of social traffic on the brand’s website, impact on the business.

The community also identifies the influencers and opinion leaders of the sector to establish synergies and relationship with them.

Monitoring of all indicators and defined kpis to achieve the objectives set. From measuring the engagement rate, the growth of the community, the reach, the total of interactions, the conversion rate by social profile.

Carry out monthly monitoring reports where the achievement of the objectives set can be accredited using the data from Business Manager, Twitter Analytics, plus web data and using viewers like Data Studio for it.

The community basically are those specialists who are in charge of the content marketing plan in social networks and of being the brand watchers.

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