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What, in addition to products, negatively affects cholesterol – Rambler / Doctor

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Many people tend to think that cholesterol is evil. However, this is a big mistake. Cholesterol provides a huge service to the human body. For example, it is involved in the production of testosterone, estrogen and cortisol, ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D, and that’s not all.

However, excess cholesterol leads to clogging of blood vessels. Against this background, they receive less nutrition and oxygen, which can lead to the most adverse consequences.

It is no secret that an excess of cholesterol leads to the abuse of certain foods, including fatty meat, lard, fast food and convenience foods. However, junk food is not the only factor contributing to an excess of cholesterol in the blood. About other factors – in the material of Rambler.

According to doctors, a diet rich in saturated and trans fats is the most popular reason for raising cholesterol. But there are other reasons.

The average age of women

In some cases, problems with cholesterol can occur in women after menopause.


Obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, chronic renal failure, and also hypercholesterolemia are a congenital disorder in which “bad” cholesterol is removed less actively from the blood than necessary. All these ailments contribute to cholesterol problems even if a person eats exclusively healthy foods.

Lack of physical activity

It is not necessary to exhaust yourself daily with workouts in order to maintain healthy cholesterol. However, it should be remembered that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects cholesterol.

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