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What if you discovered your future profession in virtual reality? This is what the Draguignan Youth Info Office offers

Immersive, informative, entertaining. The virtual reality headset, recently acquired by the Bureau info jeunes (BIJ) of Draguignan, is quite charming.

And for good reason: it allows you to discover 120 professions, in a completely original way. From baker to roboticist, nurse to painter, or even dog handler to butler, there is something for everyone.

It’s quite dense and very eclectic“, indicates Hugues Bonnet, deputy for culture and communication at the town hall of Draguignan and member of the city’s digital steering committee.”Thus, we provide information in a more fun way.

Total immersion

Playful, that’s the word. Helmet on the nose and remote control in hand, the user lands in a virtual room displaying the 40 sectors grouping the various trades.

The choices are then multiple. Aeronautics, construction, digital, catering, fashion, viticulture … by clicking on the latter, he finds himself in the middle of the vines, in front of various professionals. Wine grower, head of culture, cellar master and wine worker: each in turn, they present their profession, while putting themselves in a situation.

In this way, the user accompanies them during the harvest, above the vats, in which the grapes are crushed, or to browse the vines aboard a tractor.

Total immersion, adapted to young people 2.0. In France, 70 BIJs have already invested in this device offered by Métiers 360. This is how Isabelle Ludicina, head of the youth info service in Draguignan, heard about the project: “For us, it was clear that we had to have it as well. Because it is a very good idea, which makes it possible to capture young people with a tool that speaks to them.

Positive feedback

Rented 75 euros per month, this virtual reality headset is intended for middle school, high school, students and job seekers under 30 years old.

We go to schools to meet students “, develops Isabelle Ludicina.”We also work with the local mission and we welcome those who wish to test this device, at BIJ by appointment.

During the last three weeks, the service received a group of twelve young people from the Fight against school dropout and four teenagers who came spontaneously. “The feedback is very positive, they are all very happy! “And during November, the BIJ will meet classes from the Rostand college and the Léon-Blum high school, in Draguignan.

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