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What if you brought a bit of culture into your home thanks to the artothèque de Montluçon (Allier)?

If you cannot go to the museum, the works can come to you thanks to the artothèque de Montluçon (Allier).

Indeed, the Boris-Vian media library has a collection of works of art available for loan since the start of 2020. And it has just expanded its collection with forty-five new pieces, some from the exhibition of photographs by Robert Parant (Montluçon seen from the sky, Editor’s note) organized last year, for a total of two hundred and fifteen works on display.

Works related to works

“We also have works by the Swiss artist Félix Vallotton and the more contemporary illustrator, Tom Haugomat,” adds Rafael Messiez, the art library’s referent. Works that make it possible to make the link with works already acquired by the media library, such as the graphic novel Through by Tom Haugomat.

Beyond that, the art library also intends to accentuate the role of the media library’s resource center, through the cooperation of teachers:

“The goal is that when a teacher borrows a work to study it with his class, he brings back the educational file created, so that we can share it with other teachers who in turn borrow the same work. “

Arnaud Saez, the director of the media library.

Feedback on the extension of the Boris-Vian media library and the development of the art library in Montluçon [18/01/2020]

Loans by everyone and for any place

The idea is now to increase the population likely to benefit from it, by getting in touch with collective structures such as nursing homes, companies or associations. “We are no longer in a logic of exclusivity,” he maintains.

It remains to be seen whether the artothèque attracts? “In one year, we made a little more than three hundred loans,” calculates Rafael Messiez. And for Arnaud Saez, this figure must be put into perspective with two opposite dimensions: “On the one hand, there was outright closure at the height of the health crisis. On the other hand, when we were open there was a certain dynamic due to the effect of novelty and difference in the face of our usual proposals ”.

Convenient. The works can be borrowed for free for one month, renewable once. More information from the Boris-Vian media library in Montluçon.

The second Robert Parant exhibition will wait …

It was to be accessible to the public in January until July. But, due to health restrictions, the media library has chosen to wait before unveiling the second photo exhibition from the Robert Parant fund, on the theme of water. “We could have maintained it but it would not have been correct when the places of culture and the museums are closed. Then, doing it to accommodate five times fewer people is not worth it ”, explains Arnaud Saez, the director of the media library. For him, the exhibition requires a certain stagnation in order to be able to observe the photographs, which is not in line with current health rules. No postponement date has been announced to date.
One of the photographs that will be visible in the new Robert Parant exhibition.

Why is the Robert Parant collection, held by the city of Montluçon and which includes 40,000 photos, exceptional? [09/02/2020]

Text: Brian Le Goff
Photos: Cécile Champagnat

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