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What if we forget to take our daily vitamin D intake

We can make up for it. This behavior applies to both children and adults. All age groups need supplements in the summer as well.

We get 90% of our vitamin D from sun exposure. Only 10 percent of animal foods contain fat and age counts. At age 20, by sun exposure for 15 minutes, we synthesize 90% of our daily requirement of vitamin D. At age 60, we synthesize a quarter of our daily requirement of vitamin D, at the same exposure to the sun.

Over 60% of children and adults have vitamin D deficiency, which means they need supplements daily, and in the summer. It’s called continuous administration. You missed a dose, make up for it with a higher dose for the next few days. You can’t hurt yourself.

Anca Hoisescu, primary endocrinologist: It is more effective to take vitamin D with a glass of milk than with a glass of water and it can be stored in adipose tissue and liver, which is a good thing. Vitamin D can be stored in adipose tissue and released from there. The need is between 400 and 800 units.

At normal levels of vitamin D in the blood, you will absorb 30% of the calcium present in food. In case of deficiency, less than 10% of calcium is absorbed. In order not to run out of calcium in the blood, the body removes it from the bones, a dramatic situation in childhood, adolescence and menopause.

They are called parathyroids and are endocrine glands located near the thyroid. I produce the so-called parathyroid hormone. Once we receive sunlight, the skin begins to produce vitamin D, but it will undergo two transformations in the liver and kidneys to be active. Both transformations depend on the hormone produced by the parathyroid.

Anca Hoisescu, primary endocrinologist:Patients undergoing thyroid surgery, if they have a complication in the operation followed by hypoparathyroidism, should take a certain preparation of vitamin D, the active metabolite.

All cells of the immune system have receptors for vitamin D. It plays an important role in the so-called innate defense of the body. It’s the first line of defense when you come across a virus or a bacterium.

T lymphocytes are part of the second line of defense, meaning they destroy infected cells. One study shows that cells do not mobilize if they detect small amounts of vitamin D in the blood.

In acute infections, the normal dose of vitamin D you take daily is recommended by your doctor.

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