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“What I wish …”, the great wish of Lionel Messi for 2022

For his end-of-year message on social networks, Lionel Messi has little a sincere thought towards people bereaved or affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The seven-fold Golden Ball is hoping 2022 will be the end of this “shit virus,” he wrote on Instagram.

As usual, Lionel Messi posted an end-of-year message on social networks. For the new stage that is opening, the Pulga has only one wish: to see the coronavirus disappear in the world.

“I can only give thanks for everything I’ve been through in 2021. Even more so when a lot of people have had a really bad time because of the shit bug that never ends. Hope 2022 brings a lot of health, this is what I wish you all for the new year. Kisses to all !!! “

On vacation like other Parisians, Lionel Messi will resume training in the days to come.


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