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What holiday is today – what is celebrated in Russia on October 23

On October 23, they talk about the need to protect animals from the Red Book, and Orthodox Christians remember their brother and sister who died for their faith. What holiday is it today – read in Dobro.Media.

October 23: what holiday is today?

October 23 is celebrated International Snow Leopard Day. The date is dedicated to the thematic forum in Bishkek, which opened on this day in 2013.

The snow leopard (also known as the snow leopard, also known as the snow leopard) is a predator and a large mammal. The only representative of the cat family that lives only in cold climates.

What holiday is today - what is celebrated in Russia on October 23

There are very few snow leopards left in the wild. Photo: lori

The species is included in the Red Book – its numbers are catastrophically small. About 3.5 thousand individuals live in the wild. About two thousand more snow leopards live in zoos.

It is believed that between 70 and 90 snow leopards live in Russia. The remaining wild individuals live in China, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan and other countries in Central and Central Asia.

The main reasons for the decline in the number of snow leopards are poaching and loss of food supply.

What holiday is today, creative industry workers will be interested to know. October 23 is celebrated as Advertiser Day in Russia. The word “advertising” comes from reclame – “to shout out” in French. This phenomenon appeared in people’s lives long before our era, along with trade.

Despite the planned economy and constant deficits, advertising was actively developing in the USSR. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Alexander Rodchenko and other creative personalities participated in the creation of the famous Mosselprom posters.

What holiday is today - what is celebrated in Russia on October 23

Mosselprom advertising poster. 1920-1930s

Another holiday on October 23rd is Kabuki Syndrome Awareness Day. This genetic disease was named so because of the external resemblance of the patients’ faces to the makeup of Japanese theater actors. People with Kabuki syndrome are characterized by arched eyebrows, a characteristic eye shape, long eyelashes, and a flattened nose.

Unfortunately, in addition to their appearance features, they have serious health problems – visual and hearing impairments, abnormalities in the development of bones and joints, mental retardation, heart disease, autism and others.

The disease has no cure, but its symptoms can be managed. In addition, people with Kabuki syndrome need psychological support.

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October 23 is also Prayer Day. This holiday was invented by chemists from the USA.

A mole is a unit of measurement for the amount of a substance. Its value is determined through Avogadro’s number. One mole is an amount of substance containing 6.022 * 1023 particles. So it is proposed to celebrate the holiday on October 23 from 6:02 to 18:02. Don’t forget to congratulate your physicists!

October 23: what church holiday is today?

On October 23, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the martyrs Evlampios and Eulampia. Brother and sister lived in the 4th century in the city of Nicomedia. It was located not far from Constantinople.

Evlampius and Eulampia read the decree of Emperor Maximilian condemning all Christians to death and were indignant. Why did the ruler, instead of fighting external enemies, take up arms against his subjects? Eulampius was captured and tortured to force him to convert to paganism.

According to legend, after the torment the young man agreed to visit the temple of the god Mars, where he said: “In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, dumb and soulless idol, to fall to the ground and turn to dust!” The statue immediately fell and broke, which strengthened the faith of many present in one God. However, this did not save Evlampia and Evlampia – they accepted martyrdom.

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The Orthodox holiday on October 23 is called Evlampius Winter-Indicator. On this day in Rus’, people tried to predict the weather for the coming months using signs.

Interesting events on October 23

1814 – the first plastic surgery in modern times took place in London. Surgeon Joseph Carpue performed rhinoplasty on the patient. Similar manipulations were practiced in India and China even before our era.

1958 – Boris Pasternak received the Nobel Prize in Literature. On the same day, his novel Doctor Zhivago was declared “slanderous.” Pasternak was persecuted, expelled from the USSR Writers’ Union and insulted in the press. At this time, the famous expression “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it” appeared. Boris Pasternak was forced to officially refuse the prize. Less than two years later, the writer passed away – he was buried in Peredelkino.

2002 terrorists took hostages at the Dubrovka Theater Center during the musical “Nord-Ost”. The militants held more than 900 people for three days. According to official data, 130 people died, including 10 children. Almost all of them died in hospitals after the assault.

Who was born on October 23

Alexey Agranovich – 1970. Russian actor and director. He starred in the TV series “My Mother’s Penguins”, “Elizabeth”, “Killing Rita”. He was the artistic director of the Gogol Center.

Ulyana Lopatkina – 1973. Former prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater. After finishing his dancing career, he works as a choreographer. From 2010 to 2018, she was the head of the board of trustees of the Cancer Prevention Foundation.

Vasily Rochev – 1980. Russian skier, multiple champion of Russia. World champion in Oberstdorf (2005), bronze medalist at the 2006 Olympics in Turin. The son of Soviet skiers Vasily and Nina Rochev, twin brother of master of sports in cross-country skiing Olga Rocheva (Shchuchkina), husband of three-time Olympic champion Yulia Chepalova.

Emilia Clarke – 1986. British theater, film and television actress. She became famous for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in the series Game of Thrones. She also played Sarah Connor in the action film Terminator: Genisys.

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Name day October 23

  • Andrey
  • Anton
  • Eulampia
  • Efim
  • Hilarion
  • Innocent
  • Kirill
  • Cyprian
  • Kuzma
  • Paul
  • Savva
  • Sergey
  • Stepan
  • Yakov.

We previously wrote about what folk signs are observed on October 23rd.

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