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What holiday is today – what is celebrated in Russia on October 22

On this day, people who died in wars are honored and the Day of Stuttering People is celebrated. What holiday is today? What else is worth remembering on October 22? Read in Dobro.Media.

October 22: what holiday is today?

The White Crane Festival is a day dedicated to the memory of those killed in the war. It was suggested to celebrate it by the Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov, author of the poem “Cranes”:

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers

Those who did not come from the bloody fields,

They once did not perish in this earth,

And they turned into white cranes…

The work was dedicated to those who fell during the Great Patriotic War, but later became associated with the memory of victims of other conflicts. The song written on these verses is widely known and performed by Mark Bernes.

The holiday of white cranes was celebrated in Dagestan, and later the event became all-Russian. On this day, poetry readings and literary meetings are held. People bring flowers to the monuments to fallen soldiers.

What holiday is today - what is celebrated in Russia on October 22

Rzhev Memorial. The figure of a soldier transforms into a flock of cranes. Photo: lori

October 22 is also celebrated as Stuttering Day. Stuttering affects 1 to 5% of the world’s population. This feature usually first appears in early childhood and occurs four times more often in boys than in girls.

The causes of stuttering can be different – from genetics to severe fright. With the wrong attitude of society, people who stutter experience stress, which has a serious impact on the emotional state and the whole life of a person.

Children who stutter often face bullying. The holiday is designed to draw attention to the problems of such people and talk about the need for their support.

Office workers will also be interested in finding out what holiday it is today. Photocopy’s birthday is celebrated on October 22nd.

On this day in 1938, American inventor Chester Carlson was able to make a copy of a paper document. He patented his invention, but could not sell it for several more years – companies considered the device inconvenient and useless.

Also on October 22, Russia celebrates the Day of Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

October 22: what church holiday is today?

On October 22, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Jacob Alfeev, one of the 12 apostles. It is known that he was the brother of the Evangelist Matthew, worked as a publican, then began to preach in Judea and Gaza. He accepted martyrdom on the cross.

The national holiday is called Yakov Drovopilets.

Read also:

Orthodox holidays in October 2024 – church calendar: history and traditions


Interesting events on October 22

1909 – A woman made her first solo flight on an airplane. Her name was Elisa Desroches. Six months later, she was officially recognized as the first pilot of France.

1975 The Soviet interplanetary station “Venera-9” landed on Venus. With its help, the world’s first images were made transmitted from the surface of another planet.

1990 – the city of Gorky was returned to its historical name – Nizhny Novgorod.

2002 – the operation to raise the Kursk submarine was completed. The entire crew died.

Who was born on October 22

Catherine Deneuve – 1943. French actress and singer. She became a star after her role in the film The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. She also starred in the films “It Happens Only to Others”, “Indochina”, “Eight Women”, “Dancer in the Dark”.

Tatyana Ovsienko – 1966. Soviet and Russian singer, performed as part of the Mirage group, then built a solo career.

Andrey Kobelev – 1968. Soviet and Russian football player. He coached the Dynamo Moscow and Krylya Sovetov teams.

Alexander Demidov – 1970. Russian theater and film actor, member of Quartet I. He starred in the films “Election Day”, “Radio Day”, “What Men Talk About”.

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Name day October 22

  • Konstantin
  • Maxim
  • Peter
  • Stepan
  • Yakov.

We previously wrote about what folk signs are observed on October 22.

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