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what holiday is in Ukraine in 2024

“January 25th, what holiday?” This is a question that opens the door to a world of interesting and unique events that take place on this particular day. Therefore, if you don’t want to miss any of them and find out what holiday is celebrated today, stay with us, because later in the material we will tell you about the most interesting of them.

January 25 – what holiday is today: a complete selection of holidays and traditions

NASA Memorial Day

NASA Memorial Day is an annual event held on the last Thursday of January to honor the memory of astronauts who have died while conducting space exploration.

It is customary to mark this day with ceremonies and honors to the memory of fallen astronauts who sacrificed themselves to advance space exploration.

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Controversial Clothes Day

Like NASA Memorial Day, Controversial Dress Day does not have a fixed date. It is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of January.

Controversial Dress Day is a time when you can safely wear unusual clothes with unpredictable combinations and bright contrasting colors. This holiday is designed to challenge conventional fashion conventions and encourage people to dress in items that deliberately contrast each other.

What holiday is today in the church calendar and to whom do believers pray?

With the change in the calendar, most of the usual church holidays changed their date. Therefore, if you are wondering what church holiday is today in Ukraine, we will tell you.

According to the New Julian calendar, St. Gregory’s Day is celebrated on January 25 in Ukraine. It is called to honor the memory of St. Gregory the Theologian. In addition, this day also has a certain unofficial name – it was popularly called Gregory the winter indicator.

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Gregory the Theologian, known as the theologian of Byzantium, patriarch and archbishop of Constantinople, was also one of the Fathers of the Church. He was born in the city of Arianza in Cappadocia around 329 and where his life ended on January 25, 389.

After his death, the saint left behind him a considerable number of sermons, epistles and spiritual poems. It is believed that with every good deed performed on this day, the chances of saving the soul after death increase.

Signs January 25, 2024

  • what the weather is like on this day – the next winter will be the same;
  • A lot of snow fell on January 25 – expect early spring;
  • a blizzard outside the window – the year will be fruitful for the grain harvest;
  • If you hear the singing of tits, it means cold.

What not to do today

On January 25, you should refrain from praising, because this can lead to trouble. Refrain from compliments on this day, as well as gossip. If you don’t want to cause problems, reschedule your haircut and manicure or just trim your nails until another day.

Memorable events of January 25 in history

In 1491, a battle took place with the Tatars near Zaslav.

In 1648, Bohdan Khmelnytsky captured the Nikitin Sich, where he became the elected hetman of the Zaporozhye Army.

In 1831, the Sejm of the Kingdom of Poland announced the removal of Russian Tsar Nicholas I from power in Poland, which allowed the country to restore its de facto independence for a short time.

In 1895, the first international field hockey competition took place.

In 1916, the imperial authorities banned the activities of the Enlightenment organization in the city of Yekaterinoslav, and its leaders were arrested and sent into exile in the Irkutsk province.

In 1949, the first television Emmy Awards took place in Los Angeles.

In 1955, scientists from Columbia University created a nuclear clock that is accurate to 1 second per 300 years.

In 1964, the Echo 2 satellite was launched from the United States, which provided direct satellite communications between the United States and the USSR.

In 1965, Joseph the Blind, who spent 18 years in Soviet labor camps, was ordained a cardinal at the Vatican and appointed head of the UGCC.

In 1992, Ukraine and Egypt established diplomatic relations.

Name day today

On January 25, the name day is celebrated by Gregory, Moses, Stepan, Boris, Philip, Anatoly, Alexander, Peter, Vasily and Vitaly.

Previously, we told you when Lent begins in 2024.

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