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What holiday is celebrated today?

The Catholic Church’s calendar of saints celebrates the memory of the patron saint of Rome, of housewives, and of children who have difficulty walking.

Who is Saint Sabina of Rome, the most important feast day on Thursday, August 29?

The calendar of saints of the Catholic Church remembers Santa Sabina who was born in Rome in the 2nd century. She belonged to a family of Roman patricians. Converted to Christianity by her servant Serapia, of Syrian origin, the Saint was persecuted by the Romans.

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Both frequented the catacombs of Rome where Christians met clandestinely to escape persecution. The 2nd century was one of the bloodiest periods for Christian communities, which were continually subjected to violence and abuse.

When Serapia was captured and tortured to death, the Saint was exposed. She was then brought before the prefect Elpidius, who pressured her to abjure.

However, she did not hesitate to reject this possibility, reaffirming her strong faith in Jesus Christ. After this, she was sentenced to death by decapitation by the authorities.

Sabina is a female name of Latin origin, the meaning of which is related to the origin of the ancient Italic people, the Sabines. In Spain, some 5,713 women could celebrate their saint’s day on this day thanks to Saint Sabina.

Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist

He Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist It is a fact narrated in the Gospels, which relates the death of John the Baptist. The Saint was executed by beheading by Herod Antipas at the request of Herodias’ daughter. His disciples buried his remains and later told Jesus about it.

Saint Mary of the Cross Jugan

Saint Mary of the Cross Jugan She was a French nun who lived in the 19th century. She founded the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor to ask for alms for the needy. She was unjustly removed from the direction of the Institute and spent the rest of her life in humility dedicated to prayer.

Other Saints: the complete calendar of saints for Thursday, August 29

The Calendar of Saints of the Catholic Church also commemorates the celebration of these other saints and blesseds:

  • Saint Teresa Bracco
  • St. Seb of England
  • Saint Victor of Nantes
  • Blessed Bronislava of Krakow
  • Beata Domingo Jedrzejewski
  • Blessed Constantine Fernandez Alvarez

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