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What has changed in the lives of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry?

It happened on January 8 of last year. Something similar had been suspected because everything indicated that the schism within the British royal family was not a matter of a day, but even so it caught the world a little off guard, still picking up the Christmas tree, listening more and more insistently to the news something about “a Chinese virus” and, in Spain, the death of the Infanta Pilar, sister of King Juan Carlos, had just taken place at the age of 83.

That day the announcement via Instagram made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex was undoubtedly the news of the day (and that arrived in the middle of the afternoon): Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, along with their little Archie, decided to move away from the sponsorship of Buckingham Palace, leave behind your commitments to the crown and start another life outside the margins that the protocol of royalty requires.

The parties had been spent in Canada – a place they would return to three days later – but they returned to London for an official event that no one suspected would be their last. Even the prince’s own family, who found it necessary to act as quickly as possible They also had matters of the utmost importance on the table, such as the null acceptance of the people of Prince Andrew, Duke of York, for the investigation into his involvement in the plot of sexual abuse and trafficking in women of his late friend, Jeffrey Epstein, who was he had committed suicide four months earlier.

“We intend to step back as senior members of the royal family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty the Queen. After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have decided to make a change this year. to begin forging a new progressive role in this institution “, they explained.

At that very moment that movement was baptized as Megxit, something that some media changed to Sussexit when verifying the implicit machismo that supposed make all the blame fall on the figure of the ex-actress, as if it were not a consensual decision within a marriage.

The first decision was simple: leave the UK. They did it on the 10th to Canada Meghan and Archie while the younger brother of Crown Prince William of England stayed to negotiate the conditions, an agreement that would arrive three days later after a family reunion in which they had been since Queen Elizabeth II even the father of both brothers, Prince Charles.

Shortly before, a Breaking News: Meghan signed for Disney to give voice to an elephant documentary -whose reviews were quite different, by the way-. The mixture of large signings by companies and an activist intention for different social causes will be a constant during this year.

First, during the April lockdown, they create their own foundation, Archewell, playing with their son’s name and with two terms: “Arche (/ rki /; Ancient Greek): (noun) Greek word meaning ‘source of action’ “; while on the other side is “Well (/ wel /): (noun) an abundant source of supplies; the place where we are going to delve”.

With him they will sign collaborations with Netflix, in September, which will mean a confrontation with the royal family since it is the company that produces The Crown; with Clevr Blends, a coffee company that advocates for sustainability, equality and veganism; with Spotify, for a podcast -in which the first words of Archie have already been heard-; and with World Central Kitchen, the already world-renowned NGO that chef José Andrés created in 2010. These last three in December, although only Netflix and Spotify already report a profit of almost 170 million dollars and we must remember that since spring they have not received public funds.

We return to January, when after a statement from the sovereign giving them her blessing, Harry leaves London for Canada. Day 31 is the last that Meghan and Harry are total members of the royal family: they keep their titles, but only have a couple of official acts left, which will cease completely once the coronavirus reaches Europe.

These events are at the beginning of March: on the 5th they will attend the Endeavor Foundation awards gala and, on the 9th, the celebration of Commonwealth Day, a crucial moment since the null relationship between Harry and Guillermo is observed, totally lost.

After moving to Los Angeles at the end of the same month, they settled in a mansion that Oprah Winfrey got them with the help of Tyler Perry and began to work as volunteers against Covid-19. Further, break all ties with four British newspapers, The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror and The Express, considering that they “destroyed” the lives of many people.

The crusade of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry against the tabloid press (you just have to see the double standards with which they treated the same issues such as avocados or flowers depending on whether it was Meghan or Kate Middleton who starred in them) is aggravated with the legal battle that keeps them facing the editorial group Associated Newspapers, which owns, among other publications, the newspaper The Daily Mail.

The defense of her four friends for the letter she sent to her father, Thomas Markle, becomes a personal motive for the dukes, who neglect the publication of an apocryphal biography and, later, they deny their collaboration with the authorized one, Finding Freedom, written by the expert in monarchical affairs Omid Scobie and the journalist Carolyn Durand, although they will later admit to having given them permission and that it has both incredible revelations, such as when they talk about racism in the British aristocracy, even crazy anecdotes (a false kidnapping, peeing in the countryside…).

Following Meghan Markle’s 39th birthday, The good news arrives for the Duchess: she won a legal battle after losing the first one; she spoke for the first time about those who were critical of her (“Nothing I said was controversial”); and, in addition, his enemy Donald Trump loses the elections.

And we come to the end of the year, which undoubtedly represents a new point in what is to come in the lives of Meghan and Harry. In the first place, because they are no longer interested in the popularity of the survey that the British take every year (and in 2020 it is obvious that the Sussexit and that his philanthropic and charitable actions have not mattered).

But above all because it is shown that they are no longer afraid to keep up appearances: Prince Harry made clear his anger at the rudeness they made him on Armistice Dayand Meghan Markle was openly sad to reveal that she suffered a miscarriage: “I knew, holding Archie, that I would lose the second.” And they have once again felt the love of their own, and hence the truce that the brothers signed for Christmas.

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