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What happens when Marcel Ciolacu speaks / Limits PSD presidential candidate

There is nothing. Simply nothing. Not an ounce of emotion, sympathy, energy in this tired voice, a little hoarse and monotonous. Marcel Ciolacu reads in a weekend and folklore that reminds a few of the PCR Congresses and Nicolae Ceaușecu.

No change, no moment of contact with the pesedists gathered on Saturday in the Romexpo hall to re-elect their president and presidential candidate.

Ciolacu completely missed the moment that was supposed to be his greatest emotion. Even when he talked about his parents, he didn’t look up from the papers. He read very personal passages as a political trick designed to humanize the PSD candidate as much as possible and to draw at least a sigh, if not a tear, from the audience. Not a single vibration went through the room.

Perhaps he had to put aside the papers, take off his glasses and address, with his words, those present in the hall. Finally he wanted to confess to them. Epic failure.

I was there, among them, precisely to transfer the ability of the PSD candidate, his power to electrify the party’s army before the big winter battle.

He is probably the most unpopular orator among the party leaders and among the candidates, in great competition with Nicolae Ciucă. I’m not sure which of the two will put the audience to sleep faster.

PSD candidate Marcel Ciolacu’s biggest problem is his performance and presidential performance. He doesn’t seem like he’s from this movie, and he doesn’t confirm that he wants to play this role either. It is not likely that the leader who encourages the party’s forces before the battle is going to a particular victory.

Instead, he had a balanced and well-written speech, without too many slogans or too many exaggerations. He talked about all the big and relevant ideological and political topics for a presidential candidate. In terms of content, almost flawless.

His advisers and the campaign team tried to present him as the leader who fundamentally changed the party he inherited from Liviu Dragnea, reformed it and put it back on the European path, but also as a simple politician, an “ordinary person” who does not claim it. be more than it is.

Ciolacu mentioned some new things that are worth noting.

First, he wanted to emphasize that he would share power. “Romania needs a president who accepts that power in a normal state must be shared! Not to be monopolized by one man.” It is the news that caused the most confusion among the press. What do you mean? If we win the Cotroceni, we will not have the post of prime minister more? Who else does Ciolacu want to share power with?

Second, he launched the attack on President Klaus Iohannis. He did not mention his name, but used the iconic phrases for the absent president, private jets, golf clubs, ski slopes and the president’s coat.

How would it come, when hit with a sledgehammer. It was just like wrestling: the opponents hit each other mercilessly, but on replay it can be seen that the fist did not touch the face. That says a lot about the relationship between Marcel Ciolacu and Klaus Iohannis and the shadow power that holds everyone together.

The break with Cotroceni happens quickly, without frontal attacks, but Ciolacu seems to understand that he has no way to run away from the past if he wants to be a reliable candidate . The next step is to name Klaus Iohannis when he pretends to hit.

Thirdly, it is worth highlighting the economic offer. Ciolacu designed the so-called strategic triangle, “industry-agriculture-services”, as “the crucial part of the growth plan in the next ten years”.

Half of the speech he spoke as a future prime minister, not a future president. Proposals such as a ten-year tax exemption for the money that Romanians brought into the country from abroad belong to the ruling power. It does not come within the duties of the president, who has just announced that he wants to share power.

In short, Marcel Ciolacu commented at the PSD Congress on Saturday that he feels better in the prime minister’s coat, that action power is the highest degree of ability. He still complains completely indecisive in the position of a presidential candidate.

Even though its strategists want to portray it as “a simple man, from the people, without high schools”, the gaps in education are becoming increasingly apparent. As the intentions of the leader of PSD grow and he wants to jump a step higher, to the highest position in the Romanian state, he falls more and more than CV himself. His “voice and talent” betray him.

Marcel Ciolacu reached his limits as president of PSD, where he managed to change the face of the party and make it popular. He is struggling to deal with the position of the prime minister, where it is not yet clear what results he is putting on the table.

A previous PSD president who entered the presidential race from the position of prime minister did not win. Adrian Năstase, Victor Ponta, Viorica Dăncilă, they all lost. The position of prime minister offers the benefit of greater visibility, but it also comes with responsibilities that are difficult to carry into the election campaign.

The PSD candidate’s biggest headache today is the recalculation of pensions. Instead of marching in the campaign with their growth, Prime Minister Ciolacu is facing a wave of discontent among the main PSD voters.

Will Marcel Ciolacu manage to get rid of the curse of the prime minister’s candidate? Does he really want to reach Cotroceni and “share the power”?

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2024-08-25 08:50:43

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